I think my alternator is on it's way out, it's making "knackered bearing" noises ;(
Is there an easy bolt on replacement from a slightly more modern (as in, findable in the scrappers) car ?
Or should I start looking for a direct replacement ?
That is all, cheers folks
Look under the hood in the Mk 1 fiestas...
Can't remember the last time I saw a MK1 Fiesta, on the road or at the scrappers...
I'll have to have a run round and see if anyone has one, cheers for that
New and used alternators pop up on ebay quite frequently...
Metro, Sierra, Escort 3 --- usually loads on Ebay
If it has a 3 pin Lucas style plug, standard mounting and right type of pulley it will work.
With more modern cars watch the type of pulley fitted --- the older "keyed" Lucas pulleys don't fit later keyless alternators shafts.
Metro and Sierra retained single "V" pulleys, more modern designs like the Rover 214 are poly-vee but this can be fixed with a keyless
single "V" Metro pulley.
Left and right handed alternator units can be "switched" very easily.
Try these --- should add best to buy complete with pulley -- Ford altornator pulleys are very easy to damage when removing
[Edited on 8/1/06 by britishtrident]
Absolutely cracking there chaps
Thanks for the comprehensive help
It is a Lucas alternator that is fitted, you will find them on many Britsih cars, LAnd Rover, mini, Bl etc.
You need to check that:
1. it has same connections although this is easily changed
2. pulley is same diameter, if not, then ensure the spindle is same diamter so you can fit your pulley
3. lugs are in the same place; not a problem as you can undo the 3 long blots and turn the casing to realing the lugs.
Amperage is not an issue unless you have huge ICE and amny spot lamps.