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Side Light Wires
richyo - 20/1/06 at 01:50 PM

Got my near & off sides confused when wiring my headlights, so the cable for nearside is now at off side and cut to suit and vice-versa.

Does it make any difference ? I can't see why not but some of you I'm sure can advise.



Howlor - 20/1/06 at 02:27 PM

I would have thought it was fine. Generally side lights are on a single fuse anyway so it doesn't matter.

02GF74 - 20/1/06 at 02:32 PM

no, but may help trouble shooting in the future.

can;t you just swap over the connectors for the two lamps or is it a trick question?

stevebubs - 20/1/06 at 02:33 PM

so long as there's no difference in the lens / beam pattern then you should be fine


shortie - 20/1/06 at 02:50 PM

but aren't they fed by the same wire (and therefore same colour wire) anyway so it makes no difference, or am I missing something here!!

richyo - 20/1/06 at 03:14 PM

Thanks gents
Its a PW loom and there are different coloured wires for O/S & N/S so I thought there was a reason.

DarrenW - 20/1/06 at 03:27 PM

all i would do is leave wires as they are and make a note on the PW instruction sheet for future reference.