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battery mounting
auzziejim - 15/4/06 at 07:00 PM

having a little think about the placement of the battery in my MK and having bought the mk battery tray i would rather not have the battery being supported by the fibreglass panel. also i think it would be wide to keep the batter low in the car thus lowering the cantre of gravity as the battery is a heavy item. so i have constructed a platform for the battery to sit on at the end of the passenger footwell. however i have had a nasty thought that maybe the SVA man will not like to see the battery in the passenger compartment even though it is open topped. would it be better to vent the battery to atmosphere through the floor or side panel or will this simply not pass the SVA?

i will put a couple of pics in my archive to clarify things when i can figure it out

DIY Si - 15/4/06 at 07:22 PM

Others seem to be doing similar, so I cab't see too much of a problem. As long as it's secure. Is the battery a sealed jobbie, or one that'll spill acid everywhere, as that may be the only hitch.

auzziejim - 15/4/06 at 07:27 PM

that battery im using is dead, im only using it for mocking up purposes so i will buy a fully sealed jobby

DIY Si - 15/4/06 at 07:31 PM

Should be ok then. Might be worth getting something to prove to sva man that's it's permantely sealed though.

auzziejim - 15/4/06 at 07:33 PM

would a product data sheet etc be confirmation enough for them? just a thought

DIY Si - 15/4/06 at 07:42 PM

God knows, but should be! Mine'll be somewhere in the front so i'm not so fussed about such things. Maybe a letter or e-mail from the manufacturer if they won't accept the data sheet. Ask your "local" sva tester and see what he/she says on it. Probably the only way of being 100% sure.