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Escort Rev Counter
Willie - 15/4/03 at 06:08 PM


Can anyone tell me how to wire in an escort rev counter? I have a TwinCam or Lotus cluster (Black background on gauges). I take it the rev counter works of the coil, and not the alternator?

Just out of does it work of the alternator? Surely the "revs" would differ accoring to the size of the pully? And would the rectifier etc not stabilise the voltage anyway? It's all magic I think.

Thanks again.

p.s.Think I'll start her and drive outta the shed tonight

theconrodkid - 15/4/03 at 07:01 PM

truck ones work off the alternator,yours picks up a signal from the - side of the coil

Willie - 15/4/03 at 09:58 PM

Cheers thanks and merci. That'll help get the wiring on a bit more.
