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WiringTranslogic Gearchanger
davy - 20/1/07 at 11:59 PM

Wht is the best way to wire the switches. Two wires come up from the control unit and would normally be fitted with two button switches, one for up and one for down. I have purchased a steering wheel with two switches. I am using the sierra bos which has to wires running from the two brass rings on the bos.. What would the best way to wire it up. I have been told by translogic that the wires are switching ground. Brains out there any ideas. Davy

RazMan - 21/1/07 at 12:17 AM

I have a feeling you will have trouble using the connections in the boss because they will be too 'noisy' to be reliable. You will probably have to use a umbilical lead to make things work properly.

davy - 21/1/07 at 12:27 AM

Tks. for information. I know that some persons have used the rings with good results. I made a floating sleeve and have the sierra contacts on it. I can adjust the load to make a first class contact. Tks for coming back. Davy