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wiring up savage switches
mkblade - 28/5/07 at 11:43 PM

im redoing all my dashboard all the holes cut ect .ive done away with all the seirra switch gear and bought all savage hoping someone can comfirm this is correct

1, pin number 1 ign live or perm live depening on the switch ?

2, pin number 2 (do i connect wire which comes from lamp i.e rear fog.

and when connecting the illumination part up what is the best way of doing that.i know i have to wire in a link wire from pin 2 - pin a (+ l.e.d) this would be the case for each switch.

but what do i do about the earths if im wiring up seven switches can i run al the earthes from the swiches and join them together ??

has any got a diagram of how they wired up the hazard switch somone said i might need a extra relay.

many thanks

worX - 29/5/07 at 07:33 AM

I don't have a diagram - but you don't really need one.

Yes you can run the earth's in sequence looping from one to the other, to a good earth feed (I also put the other end of the "loop" straight to a chassis earth just to make doubly sure.

For the feed for the illumination, I took it from Pin2 of the Sidelight switch, so that when I put the sidelights (and then the H/lights) on, the switches all illuminate. I say ALL illuminate, because I looped this feed around all the switches aswell (on the +ve side of the inner of the savage switch)
The only switch this didn't apply to in my case was the Hazard switch, this still has the earth (I think) but the feed for the illumination is taken from Pin2 of the hazard switch itself. So that it flashes (red) along with your hazards.

Please take all the above with a pinch of salt though as I am a complete wiring numpty, and only managed it with a lop of help from people, but I think I am OK on this one!


RazMan - 29/5/07 at 11:11 AM

Does this help?
