I am having a real big clear out of stuff from my single garage so that I can get in it, to get my car out.
(I have found all sorts of redundant stuff!!!! about a million tie wraps, and so far I have 2 biscuit tins of mixed nuts, bolts, washers and pop
rivets to sort out)
The unusual thing I have found, is a coil pack from what I believe to be a ford CVH engine. (Don’t know why or when I got it!)
Does anyone know a how I can check if it works before I put on eBay?
Cheers in advance.
The Baron
Attach 12v to the thick wires. Put tongue across the other terminals... Should tell you if it's working
See this, it may help:
put spark plugs on the outputs, put 12v on the inputs. Briefly tap the ground wire to 0v and you should get a spark from all the plugs when you disconnect the ground. The bodies of the plugs have to be grounded as well of course.