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Where to buy Megasquirt kits from?
bigandy - 29/1/08 at 10:28 PM

Evening folks.

I'm looking to buy various bits and bobs to get my 4a-ge engine with bike throttle bodies, fully megasquirted up, and I was just wondering if anyone can recommend a good supplier to use?

I'm still not entirerly sure what I am going to be buying, as at the moment all I know is that I want it to control both fuel and spark, and that it should work with a 4a-ge engine that has had the distributor blanked off (doesn't fit in my car!)

I do know that I am more than happy to build it myself, and I am keen to learn how to test it, set it up etc before it goes in the car.


Blackbird Rush - 29/1/08 at 10:37 PM

Got my bits from Bill Shurvinton

I'll U2U his address.


[Edited on 29/1/08 by Blackbird Rush]

paulf - 30/1/08 at 11:43 AM

Agree either of the mentioned will give a good service , Dont buy from a company in the UK that advertises on ebay they sell overpriced poorly built units and recently self assembly units and give no proper back up if you have problems.You should be able to guess who if you look on there.
I had to sort out a friends ecu that was supposedly ready to fit and run it wasnt.

bigandy - 3/3/08 at 09:09 PM

Hey folks,

Just thought I would update this, I ended up buying a Megasquirt 2 full kit from DIYautotune in the US. Cracking service, and very helpful with the one query I had about the kit!

I also took the opportunity to buy a "JimStim" kit too. Well, with a name like that, you have to really don't you?!

The kit has been built up, and is working perfectly too, so I'm happy! Just need to finish the car now to put it in
