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Suck or blow
LBMEFM - 1/4/08 at 06:54 PM

I am in the process of sorting out the cooling system of my Indy-Fireblade.With regards to the fan does it matter if it sit's behind the rad and sucks or is in front and blows.

Miks15 - 1/4/08 at 06:59 PM

no, well i assume not as ive seen road cars with both configuartions before, does exactly the same thing either way

aerosam - 1/4/08 at 07:06 PM

If you already ahve your fan you need to work out if it is a push or pull fan, and mount it accordingly as it will generate very little airflow if it's spun backwards.

How you work this out though, I dunno.

If you don't have a fan yet, decide where you want it, and make sure you buy the right type.

bob tatt - 1/4/08 at 07:30 PM

mine sucks on the indy blade and works a treat i might be wrong but reversing the polarity on the motor will make it either suck or blow

Griffo - 1/4/08 at 07:41 PM

Originally posted by aerosam
If you already ahve your fan you need to work out if it is a push or pull fan, and mount it accordingly as it will generate very little airflow if it's spun backwards.

How you work this out though, I dunno.

hook it up and when its running put your hand in font/behind it?

[Edited on 1/4/08 by Griffo]

Hugh_ - 1/4/08 at 07:45 PM

Originally posted by bob tatt
mine sucks on the indy blade and works a treat i might be wrong but reversing the polarity on the motor will make it either suck or blow

But as has been mentioned the fan is designed to be efficient in one direction only.

Paul TigerB6 - 1/4/08 at 09:13 PM

Originally posted by Griffo
hook it up and when its running put your hand in font/behind it?

[Edited on 1/4/08 by Griffo]

Just not IN it - that might sting a little and need more than T-cut to polish out!!

02GF74 - 2/4/08 at 07:25 AM

this old one again ....and you get votes for both so that wold tell us that neither is more perfect than the other.

my 2p.

in both cases you shold fit a cowl to get as much air channelled through the radiator.

now a push type fan is able to generate a larger pressure as a suction type can only ever suck up to 1 atmosphere.

disafvatnage of having cowl + fan in fornt of radiator is that when driving you don't get as much air through rad as you would if same cowl+fan were mounted behind BUT when you have air forced like that, you shouldn't have issues with cooling anyway, it is when you are stopped that the fan in front of rad wins.

gingerpaule - 2/4/08 at 05:43 PM

Another thing to consider is that when you have a fan on the front blowing it will always be trying to push itself off the radiator. If you fit a sucker fan it will always be trying to close any gaps between it and the radiator.

For my Rush I got a custom radiator made up to my speces and I got the fan put on the back on the recommendation of the guy making it. The above point is the main thing, but it was better for some other reasons too (that I have long since forgotten).

02GF74 - 3/4/08 at 09:51 AM

Originally posted by gingerpaule
Another thing to consider is that when you have a fan on the front blowing it will always be trying to push itself off the radiator. If you fit a sucker fan it will always be trying to close any gaps between it and the radiator.

.... until the blades start to chew through the matrix!?!?! oooh, never thought of that but had an MGB mechanical fan do that!

Steve @ sVc - 15/4/08 at 03:12 PM

Pacet are the only company still actually making their fans in the nUK !

From their web pages:
Performance figures, intended as a comparison guide to other models, are shown for pulling mode, being the most reliable.
Blowing (front mounted) performance is unreliable, as it has degrees of spill and wastage and is only used when space considerations make it the sole option.

All the best
Steve @ sVc

Steve @ sVc - 15/4/08 at 03:12 PM

Pacet are the only company still actually making their fans in the nUK !

From their web pages:
Performance figures, intended as a comparison guide to other models, are shown for pulling mode, being the most reliable.
Blowing (front mounted) performance is unreliable, as it has degrees of spill and wastage and is only used when space considerations make it the sole option.

All the best
Steve @ sVc