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10 or 12 volt ?
Scotty - 3/5/08 at 09:31 AM

quick (and possibly stupid) question

rover v8, is it a 12 volt coil required or 10 volt ?

some one has put doubt in my mind and now not sure

if there is a choice, how/what do you look for to confirm whats needed


Macbeast - 3/5/08 at 10:57 AM

Depends on the wiring really. If this is complete car the existing coil should say o n it. There may be an obvious dropping resistor (white ceramic block, one wire at each end ) or the dropping resistor may be hidden in the loom, in which case it's difficult.

I'm afraid the manual is your friend here.

If you just have the engine and are wiring up your own loom go for 12V and no dropper.

Scotty - 3/5/08 at 06:51 PM

cheers mate
as its luego loom , will be easy to bypass