ive just finished do the extended loom for my blade engine and tested the rear lights and front lights and THEY WORK !!!!!!!! im so impressed with my
self 1st time ive done anything like taht
just hope they still work when i attach to bike loom
sorry but i had to share with some one
the wife didnt seem overly impressed
Great feeling innit?
Women (except those on here) just don't seem to get it
oh yes its great feeling knowing its all my own work !!
I'm just trying to get my head round the wiring on a zx12 - doing my box in!!!
When I did mine my wife looked at it and said "That's what it's supposed to do isn't it?" It had taken me hours to work out how to switch it so that the headlights went off with the ignition but the sidelights stayed on
hi dont know if this is any help but i labelled the engine loom up 1st then drew my own diagram for all the bits to extend it has taken me the last
couple weeks to do in the evenings
itll will come to you
My wife helped me with 2 things on my build:
- one rivet, cut her hand
- line up wing mirrors, got it in the wrong place
My personal advice is to not tell the SHMBO and revel in your own self belief
'My wife helped me with 2 things on my build:'
What u mean she doesn't bring meals and tea etc. out to the garage?
I have to put my hands up and admit that my wife is actually very adept at assisting with the car and supplying IV tea.