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Headlights (Dip & Full Beam!)
red7 - 10/8/08 at 08:51 PM

Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me with the following problem.

I have just wired my kit car using a Great British Sports Cars wiring loom together with Ford Sierra stalks. When I turn the headlights on to dip and then full beam - the dip stays on with the full beam!

I am not very electrical minded and would appreciate any help you can give.

Paul TigerB6 - 10/8/08 at 11:11 PM

Well i am not sure how your loom is supposed to work but i have just wired up a kit car from scratch and used a 5 blade changeover relay to switch between dip and main beam. The relay is as per diagram 3 here and i would assume your loom would be similar. First check you have the right sort of relay in there and that its wired correctly (the pins are numbered on the relay. Pin 87a is your dip feed and 87 is main beam. Your Sierra stalks will be wired somewhere into the circuit between pins 85 & 86 to give an open circuit when you put the main beam on. If using a relay as above the power can only go to either dip or main beam so i'd guess you have an issue somewhere around the relay

tim windmill - 11/8/08 at 11:01 AM

check the wiring at the bulb itself, i had exactly the same problem and swapped the wires around on the bulb and it sorted the problem

red7 - 11/8/08 at 08:54 PM

Thanks a lot for your help and advice.

I will be working on the car at the weekend and hopefully it will soon be up and running!