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Air/Fuel meter advice
Paul (Notts) - 4/9/08 at 04:26 PM

Getting a little tired of trying to guess the correct mixture settings on my carb so thinking about getting an Air/Fuel ratio meter.

What I am after is a set up that displays the ratio when I am driving and can also data log the readings.

With it being a V8, I either need a meter with two channels or the ability to switch from one sensor to another as I would require a reading from both exhausts.
Alternately I could have a fitting in both exhausts and just switch the sensor over to the other side to check them both.

Anyone got any recommendations or advice on a good set up…

Looking to spend around £200-300 max


Ps – don’t tell the misses about the cost – when it arrives it was only £50…..

jollygreengiant - 4/9/08 at 04:34 PM

By specific ratio the adiabetic ratio should be 14.8:1. However if this is being read as a Llamda value then a perfect ratio is 1.

Does this make sense.

cossiebri - 4/9/08 at 04:55 PM

I've got one of these

It can also display any of the sensors from my ecu,not fitted it yet just played about a bit

rusty nuts - 4/9/08 at 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Paul (Notts)

Ps – don’t tell the misses about the cost – when it arrives it was only £50…..

I do like a nice bit of BLACKMAIL. can't help with the meter though.

Have a look at the post by Martin (Piddy ) in the fuel injection section .

[Edited on 4/9/08 by rusty nuts]