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Solidworks of haynes
watsonpj - 8/1/11 at 10:50 PM

Hi all
Has anyone got a solid works model of the haynes locust that they could pack and go for me. I have started to play with designing my own car but it would be handy to have the Haynes model for reference. If anyone has anything else they would share also it would be appreciated.

Cheers Pete

Mopple - 13/1/11 at 07:09 PM

Try Haynes forums. There's a guy from France who has modelled the whole car with BMW running gear in SolidWorks. I'm quite sure that he shares his work.

Kwik - 1/2/11 at 09:13 PM

OP, if you have any luck with it could you kindly send it to me too

iv been using the software for a fair few years and starting to get paid for it (in the RC community) and im going to draw the terrapin mk1 and then go onto build it this summer (hopefully)

HowardB - 1/2/11 at 09:31 PM

if I recall correctly there is also a massive on line library of models too, all sorts in there,... well worth a look