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The single cheapest car to insure
Ninehigh - 12/1/12 at 08:36 PM

As above, been looking to get stepson on the insurance so he can learn and then get to work, however the quotes coming back have been 4-40 times the value of the car.

So aside from not bothering (which actually works out cheaper, the robbing gits) what other cars can I try? Really he'd be using it for about 10 miles a day, it's on the drive and he'll unlikely be out after 10pm... It's looking that expensive I'm seriously considering trading in the pug.

Only real consideration is that he's about 6'3 and thus needs to fit in!

spiderman - 12/1/12 at 08:49 PM

Try something like a Pug 306 TD that is 15yrs old. Cheap insurance if you go for classic insurance, low fuel bills and easily tuned to 135BHP, plenty of cheap spares. They can have a problem with the heater matrix though, some people have had terrible trouble with them and some have had none.

Tatey - 12/1/12 at 09:02 PM

I doub't you'll be able to get him insured for any decent amount unless it's a specilised policy, the cheapest way of doing it is to add him as a named driver instead of the policy owner, however if he is the main driver then it is classed as insured fraud (called fronting). I'm now 22 and got my first car at the age of 18, insurnace was £1200 fully comp on my mums policy and then down to £1000 on my own policy with the same company the next year, that was on a 52 plate Corsa 1.7Di, I've still got the car and it's now £625 fully comp, but I know a few younger drivers who are paying £3000 on a 1.2 petrol corsa which is stupid money for a car thats worth £1000.

If he only needs to go 10 miles has he considered getting a road bike (I've happily been cyling 15 miles to and from uni, thats 15 miles there and 15 back)? 20mph is easily achievable after a bit of training, it costs nothing to run and he'll get very fit doing it.

Or the other option is a moped or motorbike? I owned a Yamaha YZF R125 for a few months over the summer, I am 6'5" and this bike is a full sized 125cc bike, it did 130mpg and a top indicated speed of 87mph so was happy to be on country roads, insurance was £500 for the year (third party fire and theft).

monck - 12/1/12 at 09:03 PM

Im 20 , My daily runabout is a pug 306 1.9 D Turbo cant get much cheaper on insurance unless you get a 1.0L and quite abit of room .... Just a thought

MikeRJ - 12/1/12 at 09:13 PM

It's a bit old but this list should give you an idea.

Ninehigh - 12/1/12 at 09:14 PM

Well we currently have a 1.1 106 on a Y plate so really unless the 306 is much harder to nick (I know my mum's one had a flaming irritating code you had to put in each time) I'm not sure there'd be much difference.

We've been looking both for him on his own and as a second driver, to be honest though the difference in mileage between what I'm doing now and what he'd be doing adds up to about 4 miles a day (when he is working)

We have looked at mopeds (he's 16 atm so that's possible) but the outlay! £50-500 for a helmet, £90 (thereabouts) for the cbt, insurance appears to be coming in about £250 for tpo and he might well fit into my old bike jacket... Would rather him have a car though as his route to work is down about 2 miles of 60 road (and I've done it and it's not pleasant, not really dangerous just unpleasant especially when it's raining)

I shall have to look up the 306, 15 years old would make it a s/t/v ish plate?

MikeR - 12/1/12 at 09:16 PM

if you get a moped, don't crash it, do you get a years no claims after a year that you could use on a car?

phelpsa - 12/1/12 at 09:28 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
if you get a moped, don't crash it, do you get a years no claims after a year that you could use on a car?

I didnt think you could transfer NCB from a bike to a car?

Try a 1043cc mk3 VW polo. I found that was the very cheapest car in my research.

Ninehigh - 12/1/12 at 09:44 PM

Probably not, but some will count it towards your quote as experience.

Here's what I got so far, this is all TPO unless stated, and all for me and 17 year old new driver (again unless stated)

R/S plate 306td, £3095.77
Corsa SRI £3537
Perodua Nippa (2000) £2910 (£400 more than they cost new!)
Volvo v40 diesel (think I went for 51/52 plate) £5876 (cheapest to insure hey Clarkson?)
Fiat Seicento sporting £3112, and fully comp £3114

However a 75 Beetle 1300 £1416! That's more like it!
Incidentally my first car was an 82 escort 1.3 and it cost me £850 (f+t I think)

Simon - 12/1/12 at 09:48 PM

You can't transfer ncb between 2/4 wheels.

10 miles a day is 5 each way in my book. That's 20mins one way on a bicycle; decent set of lights/helmet/reflective clothing and save the money for something useful. was talking to chap a work and looking back to when I was 17 - 20, said I would do that now.

I find the whole youth insurance such a con. I'll let my two pass their tests then not bother driving for the next three years of so. Prob save them 8k. Get to 20 yoa it'll be so much cheaper.



Simon - 12/1/12 at 09:50 PM

What about a proper mini going from your beetle quote might be worth a look.



monck - 12/1/12 at 09:56 PM

I had a moped then a 125cc bike before my first car and couldn't use my moped's 2 years no claims on a car although some company's may let you.. Worth asking around ...

A 306 isnt the coolest car but for the money i couldn't have gone wrong i gave £500 with 100k on the clock if i remember , its now done almost 120k Alot i know but a friend has a 306 estate with 180k so mines about run in ??
Only issue i have had was the alternator tentioner seized and broke the belt £40 for a belt and a new tensioner ...
If your after a cheap car id consider one .... But im sure someone will tell you there rubbish .....


monck - 12/1/12 at 10:05 PM

£3000 for a 80hp diesel :O

Mine was £1500 this last year on my own but i recently went on my dads business fleet cover and got it down to £750

Insurance for young drivers is crazy

[Edited on 12/1/12 by monck]

NigeEss - 12/1/12 at 10:11 PM

A young friend of mine is in similar boat, 23year old, zero no claims and managed to get a reasonable deal from an
outfit called Insure The Box.
They limit him to 6000m a year and they fit a tracker but he managed to insure a Freelander for £1500 when the best
quote till then was nearly £2300.

raguri - 12/1/12 at 10:24 PM

Quantum 2+2, 1.6 CVH engine!
Footman James for insurance.

Ninehigh - 12/1/12 at 10:35 PM

Ok I've also got £16something for a 1988 mini

I've had a 306 before and they're fine, but DO NOT get the non turbo version... I was returning about 33mpg because I had to floor it to get anywhere...

Insure the box are one of the more expensive ones, (which surprised me!)

MikeFellows - 12/1/12 at 11:16 PM

what about these tracker things that you can fit to the car for insurance purposes

he drives it nice - he gets cheap insurance - drives like most 17yo lads do and it goes through the roof

dunno who does them as I dont know anyone with kids - but I know they exist

mcerd1 - 13/1/12 at 09:11 AM

whatever you end up doing I'd get third party only insurance - that way your making it very clear to him that if anything happens to the car he's paying for it himself...

Originally posted by Tatey
....the cheapest way of doing it is to add him as a named driver instead of the policy owner, however if he is the main driver then it is classed as insured fraud (called fronting)

thats fine as long as the insurance company knows that he is the main driver though
These days quite a few companies will let you add someone as a 'named Main driver' which normally works out a bit cheaper than getiing him it insure it on his own

back when I had my first car I was on my dad's policy as the named main driver for about half the cost of one in my own name, but since it was a spare policy my dad had anyway it already had a full NCD and even let me build up my own no claims bonus too

[Edited on 13/1/2012 by mcerd1]

Myke 2463 - 13/1/12 at 09:36 AM

Dont forget adding his mother as long as she has a licence will often reduce premium

owelly - 13/1/12 at 09:44 AM

Guy I know was having similar troubles. Couldn't get his boy insured on a low-spec Clio for less than £2500. But the 17 year old could insure a TR7 on a limited mileage policy for £500. Worth looking into 'classic' cars?

hughpinder - 13/1/12 at 09:57 AM

It was a bit cheaper for my daughter if I was a named driver on her policy - just ran the figures through and got 1100 for a S reg polo 1.9 sdi, 10K/year, ran it again just changing miss to mr, age etc all the same - 3500!

How does gender discrimination work? If your son decides he wants to be known as 'miss' would it be legal for him to put that on his insurance form?


bonzoronnie - 13/1/12 at 10:01 AM

Originally posted by MikeR
if you get a moped, don't crash it, do you get a years no claims after a year that you could use on a car?

Ecar insurance accepted my youngest lads mopeds NCD (2 yrs ) when he first insured his 1.2 Corsa merit.

That saved a fair bit of cash for him.

May be worth checking this link

Ecar insurance

Click on the NCD tab

TimEllershaw - 13/1/12 at 10:17 AM

A couple of my friends insure their kids on a day-by-day basis : Ring up, add them as a driver, drive for a few days, then ring up and take them off again. Seems to cost them less. Obviously they have to watch out for the "Admin Charges" you get on some policies. They also recommended Admiral Multi-car to add their kid's car to their own policies.

But don't worry, now the govenrment is cracking down on whiplash claims all our premiums will come down

( PS. " £xxxx premium for my old yyyyy is obscene" ... don't forget that they are not just covering you for damage to your own car but also the damage you will to do to that very expensive car/bus/truck/lamppost/phonebox your are going to hit. )

Ninehigh - 13/1/12 at 04:43 PM

Originally posted by hughpinder
It was a bit cheaper for my daughter if I was a named driver on her policy - just ran the figures through and got 1100 for a S reg polo 1.9 sdi, 10K/year, ran it again just changing miss to mr, age etc all the same - 3500!

How does gender discrimination work? If your son decides he wants to be known as 'miss' would it be legal for him to put that on his insurance form?


Oh they're stopping gender discrimination, by charging your daughter 3500...

Well it turns out that after posting several Beetles, Minis and Morris Minors to the missus she's not interested because it's nigh on impossible to find one (again after I'd found at least 5 of each)

I swear sometimes I have seziures and start speaking Chinese...