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Tintop problem - VW PD130 sluggish acceleration
vinny1275 - 19/3/10 at 08:44 AM

Morning gang,

1st up, my Passat is *well* overdue a service. Entirely my fault, I've just been putting it off. And by well, I mean very very (like getting on for 20K miles overdue). I'll change the fuel, air and oil filters this weekend and change the oil, in case the filters are causing this problem:

The acceleration has turned to ratsh1t - it's better in the lower gears as you'd expect, but once you've got into 4th it's really really slow pulling, whereas it used to be quite rapid in all the gears, once the turbo has kicked in.

There's no smoke, no funny noises, no warning lights, and it seems a bit hesitant revving under no load, so it seems to be mixture or ECU related. Could it be the MAF sensor or something giving dodgy readings? Any way I can test for that while I've got my head under the bonnet at the weekend?



BenB - 19/3/10 at 08:51 AM

I'd suspect the filters.... could be something like a MAF but a knackered air filter could strangle the engine at high air flow whilst a fuel filter problem could result in the car running lean when requiring large amounts of fuel...

McLannahan - 19/3/10 at 08:54 AM

Very very likely to be the MAF.

I'll put my 2p on that. I think it's an exchange only to test although some say if you disconnect it and the car improves it's the issue! Not too sure on that myself.

I know the MAF doesn't really show up on VAGCOM as an issue so a little annoying to trace.

graememk - 19/3/10 at 09:04 AM


adithorp - 19/3/10 at 10:29 AM

Most probably the MAF but do the service first. Would you go out running with a sock in your mouth?... but you expect the car to run OK with blocked filters??
If it's still bad disconect the MAF. That'll put the MIL light on and send it to limp home mode but if it runs better than before it's the MAF.

vinny1275 - 19/3/10 at 10:39 AM

Originally posted by adithorp
Most probably the MAF but do the service first. Would you go out running with a sock in your mouth?... but you expect the car to run OK with blocked filters??
If it's still bad disconect the MAF. That'll put the MIL light on and send it to limp home mode but if it runs better than before it's the MAF.

I love your analogy, it was just the fact that it came on suddenly yesterday that made me think it could be something else on top....

Thanks for all the suggestions guys, looks like I'll be busy this weekend (again) then....

iank - 19/3/10 at 11:13 AM

It it's come on suddenly then it's likely to either be a sensor (e.g the MAF) or a turbo hose has blown off/split.