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Two wheels on my wagon
balidey - 16/4/10 at 07:40 AM

Just seen Buemi lose the two front wheels.
Totally freak accident.
But the tethers (sp) didn't work. Surely they are the one thing that must be very over engineered. Flying wheels kill. luckily no one seemed to be injured.

[Edited on 16/4/10 by balidey]

Dangle_kt - 16/4/10 at 07:52 AM

wow. bad.

Glad no one was hurt.

kind of funny though

vinny1275 - 16/4/10 at 07:53 AM

they said the tethers are attached to the bit of the upright which broke off, then the load on the other upright caused it to come off in sympathy - looked nasty, they didn't manage to get his car back together for P2 either....

I wonder if we can twitter him asking for 6 numbers between 1 and 49....

Dangle_kt - 16/4/10 at 08:06 AM

I heard that Cortina front hubs just rocketed in price as soon as F1 saw the light!

deezee - 16/4/10 at 08:33 AM

I liked the bit when he frantically tried to steer the car through the corner, despite having both front wheels fall off!

YQUSTA - 16/4/10 at 09:19 AM

skinned knuckles - 16/4/10 at 09:43 AM

funny how he kept on trying to steer the car despite both fron wheels being clearly absent

JoelP - 16/4/10 at 09:59 AM

Originally posted by skinned knuckles
funny how he kept on trying to steer the car despite both fron wheels being clearly absent

well you'd have to try, just in case! If you didnt they might think you'd done a Nelson!

eddie99 - 16/4/10 at 10:15 AM

I just watched it now. Looked like something was loose, just before the wheels depart. You see a wishbone flap

mangogrooveworkshop - 16/4/10 at 12:18 PM

Originally posted by skinned knuckles
funny how he kept on trying to steer the car despite both fron wheels being clearly absent

From his low position he would have not been able to see what was or wasnt left in a split second it happened so he would have instintivly steered away from the barriers...

poop in the pants major league

BenB - 16/4/10 at 12:29 PM

Wow. Hope he's got some seriously strong detergent for his Samco underpants.....

madrallysport - 16/4/10 at 02:34 PM

unreal -

speedyxjs - 16/4/10 at 03:18 PM

Saw that at M25 services this morning. Almost unreal!

Looks like it shoudl be another interesting race too as rain is forcast... again

mangogrooveworkshop - 16/4/10 at 05:14 PM

[img]cold weather test[/img]cold weather test link