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Exhaust heat shield
midge - 12/5/10 at 11:56 AM

Hi all,

Recently changed the engine in my sons Corsa upgrading the exhaust to a nice stainless system. Fitted a new rad and fan but didn't think about how close it was to the exhaust at the time. Gets very hot and the fan distorts. I could move the fan but made too good a job of fixing it, son doesn't want to wrap the pipes (spoils the look!!) so need some sort of heat sheild. Can you buy something off the shelf or any suggestions on best way to make one??



PSpirine - 12/5/10 at 12:05 PM

This is the stuff you want (although I would've just wrapped it!) m27b0191451


bimbleuk - 12/5/10 at 12:08 PM

Get some multi layer shielding off a scrappy car. Preferably one with a turbo. My RX7 has glass fibre backed shielding all down the underside of the transmission tunnel. Otherwise 2 or 3 layer Nimbus shielding which can quickly become expensive.

When I had a GT4 turbo engine in my Corolla the down pipe was a couple of cm from the back of the rad. I bought an aftermarket downpipe with ceramic coating and that made a big difference to radiated heat.