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ditchlewis - 27/6/10 at 07:49 AM

The wife found me this morning looking at 356 speedsters and said " i like those, i can see myself diving around in that"

I asked what about the 7 why dont you come out in that then?

"It's UGLY" she replied

I think it's time for another divorce

On secnod thoughts a speedster would be alot cheaper

Do your wag's think your 7 is ugly?


Dan. - 27/6/10 at 07:53 AM

I told my mum I was building a kit car, she thought it was cool... I then showed her a picture of an indy... she said eeew what are you building one of those for! She was also expecting me to be building something that looked like a 356 speedster too.

[Edited on 27/6/10 by Dan.]

speedyxjs - 27/6/10 at 07:56 AM

I wouldnt call it ugly but i also certainly wouldnt call a seven good looking.

clairetoo - 27/6/10 at 08:00 AM


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder . But sometimes the beholder needs a bit of a slap

Cant remember where I saw that.............

ditchlewis - 27/6/10 at 08:26 AM

we were passing aan aston garage last weekend and she asked me if i would like a DBS V8. I said that i did not have 90K.

she pointed out a £45k second hand one and said once the kids have gone...

A cobra kit would be cheaper but she would still think it was ugly.

Having an ugly car has a benifit, if Swimbo is not in it i can drive it as fast as i like


iank - 27/6/10 at 08:37 AM

Some 7's are more attractive than others due to their proportions.

But personal taste comes into all discussions of taste, for example a minimalist might find a 7 right up their street, but to those into wood-panelled libraries an old Jag might be their perfect car.

StevieB - 27/6/10 at 09:11 AM

My wife was over the moon when I sold the se7en and bought a midget.

Then she got a bit annoyed when I told her I was converting it into a bike engined frogeye sprite. It will also be a stripped out race car like this

Frogeye Racer
Frogeye Racer

Can't get the image to embad for some reason

[Edited on 27/6/10 by StevieB]

RIE - 27/6/10 at 09:15 AM

I dunno I'd call a 7 ugly, but they sure as hell aren't pretty. 'Purposeful' I'd call them, and their attraction is in that purpose.

scootz - 27/6/10 at 09:37 AM

Originally posted by RIE
I dunno if I'd call a 7 ugly, but they sure as hell aren't pretty. 'Purposeful' I'd call them, and their attraction is in that purpose.

Sounds a bit like my winkie!

PSpirine - 27/6/10 at 11:51 AM

To be fair, a properly done speedster is a far more beautiful car than a seven.

Best option is to have one of each

ditchlewis - 27/6/10 at 12:38 PM

I was down town with SWMBO and she commented that once business impoves that i should build a speedster... But the 7 would have to go as i only have one garage

I would not build a faithful replica but a mild custom with fuche 5 spoke porche wheels and a big engine.

the choice i suppose is Speed or Cruise??

the Porker would get more use but i still love my first born... or should that be first built.


p.s just off out to make some doors for the seven

morcus - 27/6/10 at 11:05 PM

As above, Beauty is in the eye of the Beholder. I think a well proportioned seven is beautiful, But I also like Brutalist (Not sure on the spelling) Architecture which most people don't.

I probably would choose a speedster over a seven if it was a straight choice.

t.j. - 28/6/10 at 06:40 AM

leave her

a speedster is for women, that's right.

So the seven for me.....