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Come On Webbo!!!
Surrey Dave - 1/8/10 at 12:59 PM

Can he do it?, will he have enough fuel?

scootz - 1/8/10 at 01:05 PM

Fingers crossed!

scootz - 1/8/10 at 01:06 PM


Surrey Dave - 1/8/10 at 01:07 PM

Mega , poor old Seb

Surrey Dave - 1/8/10 at 01:09 PM

Ferrari should radio Alonso "Vettel is faster than you , can you confirm you understand"

scootz - 1/8/10 at 01:13 PM

Did Seb make that gap to help Webbo out a bit???

If so, then his dummy will be spat well and truly out of the paddock after the race!

Love it!

jollygreengiant - 1/8/10 at 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Surrey Dave
Ferrari should radio Alonso "Vettel is faster than you , can you confirm you understand"

I was thinking that as well. But according to Burnnice Ecclestwangee, that would be criminal, because it involved a second team and wasn't in-house.

scootz - 1/8/10 at 01:39 PM

Schumi needs a slap!

Surrey Dave - 1/8/10 at 01:44 PM

The old chap Barrichello's got a good pair of k9's

bob - 1/8/10 at 01:45 PM

I feel the german may well get a slap for that, well done webber though.

GeorgeM - 1/8/10 at 01:52 PM

Originally posted by bob
I feel the german may well get a slap for that.

Drive like that on the road you would deserve to loose your license...

Surrey Dave - 1/8/10 at 01:54 PM

What a S**t trophy

bob - 1/8/10 at 01:58 PM

I would have been happier with that blonde bint in the crowd for half hour than that trophy

jollygreengiant - 1/8/10 at 02:00 PM

Originally posted by bob
I would have been happier with that blonde bint in the crowd for half hour than that trophy

Last time I saw anything approximating that size and shape they were being loaded down the forward hatch on a submarine.

russbost - 1/8/10 at 02:04 PM

Michael has made some questionable moves in the past but that one on Rubens was completely out of order & bl**dy dangerous

bob - 1/8/10 at 02:15 PM

I've never watched the F1 forum on the red button after the race but i think it maybe worth a watch this week.

Daddylonglegs - 1/8/10 at 02:26 PM

Can someone tape it for me (the red button bit) I'm stuck in bloody Manila again!

And Schumacher definitely needs a good slap after that manslaughter attempt

omega 24 v6 - 1/8/10 at 04:09 PM

Rubens needs to punch his fecking lights out for that one. And he had the nerve to sneeringly make remarks on how Rubens's expectations were way way differrent to other drivers.

[Edited on 1/8/10 by omega 24 v6]

coozer - 1/8/10 at 04:20 PM

Come on Webbo? He's a bloody foreigner man!

RichardK - 1/8/10 at 04:40 PM

Originally posted by omega 24 v6
Rubens needs to punch his fecking lights out for that one. And he had the nerve to sneeringly make remarks on how Rubens's expectations were way way differrent to other drivers.

Couldn't agree with you more mate!

Cheers Rich

craig1410 - 1/8/10 at 04:48 PM

Originally posted by bob
I would have been happier with that blonde bint in the crowd for half hour than that trophy

Might this be the young lady you are referring to??? Stunning!




Paul TigerB6 - 1/8/10 at 06:46 PM

I was wondering why my dinner wasn't on the table at 1pm in time for the GP!!! ^^^ I'll be having serious words with her when she gets home!!!

bob - 1/8/10 at 06:56 PM

Cameraman just had to get her in i suppose, rude not too. She deffinatly made the most of the camera, my thoughts were "dead heat in a zepelin race" made me smile anyway.

amalyos - 1/8/10 at 06:58 PM

Originally posted by coozer
Come on Webbo? He's a bloody foreigner man!

He's the only F1 driver who lives in the UK !!!

pdm - 1/8/10 at 07:24 PM

I'd like to see Jenson win it again as I reckon Hamilton's got loads more championships in him yet.

BUT I would like Webber to win it as well - he's always struck me a Pierfrancesco Chili type of character - never gives up, always up for a race, fair, a gent and a fan of his sport even on inferior machinery (except this year lol). In other words a sportsman.

So if it's down to him, Alonso and Vettel at the end of season then I'm going to be waving the Aussie flag as I reckon he deserves it most.

[Edited on 1/8/10 by pdm]

[Edited on 1/8/10 by pdm]

JoelP - 1/8/10 at 07:51 PM

here here. Or is it hear hear?

JoelP - 1/8/10 at 08:08 PM

10 place fine for MSC next race anyway, thats likely to be a back row start for him

02GF74 - 2/8/10 at 08:40 AM

Originally posted by JoelP
10 place fine for MSC next race anyway, thats likely to be a back row start for him

should not be allowed to race IMO.

Luckily for Rubens the concrete wall ended otherwise he'd be in a wooden box!

... but he was amazingly calm about the event considering!!

Browser - 2/8/10 at 10:21 AM

Herr Schum-bag-cher deserved an uppercut to his pointy chin for that move!! A blatant, unsafe and pointless attempt to stop a faster former team-mate from passing. Revoke his super-licence and tell him to shove off back to his playpen!

James - 2/8/10 at 01:59 PM

Well, I guess if anyone other than Lewis is gonna win WDC I'd prefer it was Webber.

Pity Ferrari and Red Bull have to do it by cheating with their front wings!

This is the 2nd time Red Bull have been caught contravening the rules this season- they've already had to change their rear suspension after it was spotted it was wrong after the first 4 races or so.


craig1410 - 2/8/10 at 02:37 PM

Originally posted by James
Well, I guess if anyone other than Lewis is gonna win WDC I'd prefer it was Webber.

Pity Ferrari and Red Bull have to do it by cheating with their front wings!

This is the 2nd time Red Bull have been caught contravening the rules this season- they've already had to change their rear suspension after it was spotted it was wrong after the first 4 races or so.


If RedBull and Ferrari are cheating then why have none of the other teams protested? Also, how come they have passed scrutineering? Answer - because they are not cheating!

It's no different to McLaren's F-duct. Just another innovation in F1 which will either be "clarified" out of the rules or will be copied by the less innovative teams. How well these innovations are copied by other teams is what defines the competitiveness of each team as the season progresses. As we have seen, Ferrari have copied the blown diffuser much more effectively than McLaren which is a big part of the reason McLaren are behind Ferrari now.

No need to accuse teams of cheating just because they are doing a better job at the moment...

James - 2/8/10 at 03:08 PM

I believe Mercedes have already complained.

The wings are clearly flexing below the reference plain- this is a contravention of the rules.

The FIA are yet to detect it yet as their test isn't sophisticated enough. This will change as of next race when they will be tested at 100kg instead of 50kg.

I gather from a senior man at Mclaren that they've already agreed voluntarily that they will change their wings for next race to a non-flexing version.


craig1410 - 2/8/10 at 03:15 PM

Originally posted by James
I believe Mercedes have already complained.

The wings are clearly flexing below the reference plain- this is a contravention of the rules.

The FIA are yet to detect it yet as their test isn't sophisticated enough. This will change as of next race when they will be tested at 100kg instead of 50kg.

I gather from a senior man at Mclaren that they've already agreed voluntarily that they will change their wings for next race to a non-flexing version.


Yes, I'm aware of the above but the fact remains that nobody to my knowledge has officially "protested" because they know the wings are legal with regards to the current FIA tests. Nobody is cheating!

If a new FIA test is brought out then the cars will all have to pass the new test and therefore RB and to a lesser extent Ferrari will need to change their wings to comply. The Ferrari wing doesn't flex to the same extent as RB so it might not need to be changed.

I'm sure you're aware, F1 is a game of cat and mouse with the rule makers and this is just one chapter of that story which has gone on for 60 years.

Ninehigh - 2/8/10 at 03:45 PM

Originally posted by amalyos
Originally posted by coozer
Come on Webbo? He's a bloody foreigner man!

He's the only F1 driver who lives in the UK !!!

And while he may be driving a foreign car for a foreign team it's been designed by a brit so he's one of us!

Hellfire - 3/8/10 at 08:09 AM

I'm a massive Schumacher fan but I think what he did was wrong. Having said that, he was only doing what comes instinctively to all F1 drivers and although he did squeeze Rubens a bit too much, these guys are used to driving within centimeters of concrete barriers.


welderman - 3/8/10 at 08:16 AM

Originally posted by Hellfire
I'm a massive Schumacher fan but I think what he did was wrong. Having said that, he was only doing what comes instinctively to all F1 drivers and although he did squeeze Rubens a bit too much, these guys are used to driving within centimeters of concrete barriers.


I've been a fan of Schumacher for years, it was a harsh move i agree, but everyone keeps saying F1 is boring, he's just making it more interesting .


omega 24 v6 - 3/8/10 at 11:23 AM


I've been a fan of Schumacher for years, it was a harsh move i agree, but everyone keeps saying F1 is boring, he's just making it more interesting .

I'm very interested in F1 as well but not enough to watch someone die through and accident caused by actions like his.
here is an examlpe of what may have happened had things gone wrong ( more or less the same manouvre )