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Winter mods finally completed !
mark chandler - 10/8/10 at 09:55 PM

After my mishap at Cadwell when me rear wing got wiped out and my clutch started to slip as the turbo cut in I have been gradually sorting my car out.

Upgrades are lockup clutch, had to have a custom one made up by

Its a clever bit of kit, but as the first one they have made for 893 - 919 blades cost £365 as they had to design it.

andyw7de made me a clutch cover spacer, fantastic bit of waterjet cutting at a great price.

Now the engine is sorted I need to rolling road, my megasquirt is really old so has the 8 x 8 table so will upgrade to 12x12 table at the weekend.

Anyway decided to paint as well as the car has become scruffy over the years, candy red appealed so purchased a litre off Ebay and got on with it.

Rubbed down and masked up
rubbed down
rubbed down

Then painted silver all over as base coat

Next first layer of candy, never done this before.
first coat
first coat

Then a couple more layers to build up the colour

Should have goggled how to do this really, they recommend 50% overspray on the runs, my car is a little patchy in places so have ordered another litre to put another layer over the thin areas.

All paint in an open garage, its actually pretty easy to get a reasonable finish

Off to North Weald on the 22nd, so will find out if the mechanics are fixed now, assuming the rolling road does not blow it up!

Johneturbo - 10/8/10 at 10:03 PM

colour looks great in the last pic

i'm planning my winter mods!

twybrow - 10/8/10 at 10:25 PM

Looking forward to seeing your beast on the 22nd! Nice work.

mangogrooveworkshop - 11/8/10 at 05:39 AM

Damp the floor when your painting (it keeps the dust down)

jambojeef - 11/8/10 at 10:51 AM


I would be really interested in seeing some pics of your lock-up clutch?

I need to get something similar for the Cbr1000 turbs owing to huge amounts of clutch slip.

Which bit did you make / design / any tips gratefully received!

Cheers and heres hoping for some better 7 weather now,


mark chandler - 11/8/10 at 06:19 PM

Sorry, I thought I had taken a photo of it, but none on my camera , but not to dispair as they have a picture of 2 of them on their website:

lockup clutch
lockup clutch

I did not make or design, but paid to do this, £365 with design, if its already programmed then £165, he does blackbird so may be the same as yours.

They used a CNC mill to turn a lump of ali into a plate that replaces the springs and washers, this plate has L shaped fingers that load the clutch plates as the revs increase, in the picture these are laid over, when bolted up they are vertical so as it spins faster they load the plates more.

As it sits on top of the clutch you need to space out the cover, Andy7wide cut the spacer out for me.

Regards Mark

Mix - 12/8/10 at 04:10 PM

Damp the floor when your painting (it keeps the dust down)

And raises the humidity
