Just the thing to make some fun
Dont spoil the fun by posting other discussion re the post start a sideby side thread
So here goes
Along the lines of these examples
Please keep it Clean or the Foz will do it with the delete button
Couriers do it with their parcels
Artists do it with their brushes
Locostbuilders do it with their sevens
Get the idea
Programmers do it with their bits (and bytes).
Pilots do it with thier Joysticks
Plumbers do it with their flux
Archers do it with a quiver
Submariners do it deeper
Cable guys do it with their coax
Church musicians do it with their organs
Policemen do it with their truncheons.
Firemen do it with their poles
Politicians do it with other peoples money
gynaecologists do it with other peoples.
Married men do it very seldom.
Fishermen do it with their tackle...
Rowers do it with their cox.
Shepherds do it with their sheep.
[Edited on 30/8/10 by Snuggs]
Welders do it in all positions.
Carpenters do it with their lathe.
Archaeologists do it in the dirt
Chess players do it with queens
Poker players do it with their own hand
Atheletes do it with their gear
Sailors do it with their mast
Hunters do it with their gun
[Edited on 8/30/2010 by beagley]
pipe fitters do it with there ridgid tool..
pharmacists do it with their suppositories
Rugby players do it with odd shape balls
speedway riders do it sideways
footballers do it for 90mins
snooker players do it with their balls on the table
Golfers do it with their club
The Stig does it with his helmet
AV Technicians do it in the dark
RAF Riggers do it with OM15
Mountaineers do it dangling from a rope
Potholers do it in the dark.
AV Technicians do it in the dark
RAF Riggers do it with OM15
Heamopiliacs do it till it bleeds
Woman do it with there gobs.
Lady bakers do it with their baps.
Door fitters do it with their knobs.
Donkeys do it with their asses.
WWII jeep drivers do it with their Willies.
Amnesiacs do it with.
Amnesiacs do it with.
Amnesiacs do it with.
Electronic engineers do it with frequency until it Hertz.