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north west stages rally today
imp paul - 5/2/11 at 11:58 AM

hello all as you may know its the north west rally stages today. my mate Ron is rallying his imp so i wish him well hope all goes sweet. if you want to find out more here is the link also if any 1 is lucky to be there could you take some pickys please it would be nice cheers paul Description

[Edited on 5/2/11 by imp paul]

stevegough - 5/2/11 at 12:49 PM

Didn't know this was on in my neck of the woods - we've got the grandkids this afternoon - don't know what we're doing yet - think my car - mad grandson is going to some Beavers event? If we go, I'll look out for your mate's Imp!

Richard Quinn - 5/2/11 at 01:03 PM

There's a guy around the corner from me who got rid of his Scooby rally car for a Clio the winter before last and spent all winter getting it right. The North West Stages was his first (and last) event last year as he stuffed the Clio through Owen Oyston's front gates and gate post

stevegough - 5/2/11 at 06:24 PM

Well, we went.

It was wet.

It was dull and miserable, so I'm afraid the pics aren't up to much......

This was just after 3pm - so not too bad...

stevegough - 5/2/11 at 06:31 PM

Your mate Ron in the classic Imp went just before 5pm - it was darker then - so my apologies Paul, his pix are pretty poor and blurred....

there are more in my archive folder 'North West Rally 2011'.





imp paul - 5/2/11 at 09:36 PM

thanks for the pics steve your a star its a shame that it was raining but still looks like it would have been fun cheers paul

stevegough - 5/2/11 at 09:59 PM

No, it was wet and miserable. Callum, my grandson absolutely loved the slot car racing in the indoor bit, though.

If you want me to email the full - size pics, (even though they are pretty cruddy) U2U me your email addy.


meany - 5/2/11 at 10:07 PM

AHHHHHH thats what it was, i did wonder.

I saw quite a few on my way back from Blackpool Vic Hospital about 4.30.

I waved at a couple of Scoobs, as we