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Ah Well, didn't make the paper but ............
russbost - 23/8/11 at 11:52 AM

on the Daily Mail website!!


scootz - 23/8/11 at 11:57 AM

Mr Whippy - 23/8/11 at 12:04 PM

hardly made from banger parts

wylliezx9r - 23/8/11 at 12:04 PM

Nice one, in my opinion the car looks much better without all the graphics !

tomgregory2000 - 23/8/11 at 12:07 PM

And your tyres are on back to front

Ninehigh - 23/8/11 at 12:13 PM

And you refuse to race the chavs in their fiestas? Come on I used to do that inbetween fares!

russbost - 23/8/11 at 12:20 PM

Originally posted by tomgregory2000
And your tyres are on back to front

Don't blame me I didn't write the article! & yes, I spotted that on the pics myself, can't think how we managed that, they obviously weren't that way round at IVA!! Good job we were only pootling about on dry roads really!

russbost - 23/8/11 at 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
And you refuse to race the chavs in their fiestas? Come on I used to do that inbetween fares!

How can you race someone who's disappearing in your mirrors???

eddie99 - 23/8/11 at 12:21 PM

You get uglier every day Russ! And haha at the i would never race a fiesta!

mangogrooveworkshop - 23/8/11 at 01:20 PM

The make the paper bit doesn't have any weight any more.
As soon as the paper is binned it's the end of the story.
Where as now it's on the web it's searchable for years after it was written.
Well done just need the boys to spam the cheeky comment

russbost - 23/8/11 at 06:20 PM

Originally posted by eddie99
You get uglier every day Russ! And haha at the i would never race a fiesta!

Right mate! Just wait till the next time you want me to give up a brilliant ZX10 engine for you! I shall be over to give you a slap later! (Unfortunately you'd probably enjoy it!) Oh & "i" is a capital I - bl**dy students - pfft

Confused but excited. - 23/8/11 at 06:25 PM

"I let them drive off - then I pass them a second or so later anyway as I don't want to encourage bad driving."


Ninehigh - 24/8/11 at 07:03 AM

Originally posted by russbost
Originally posted by Ninehigh
And you refuse to race the chavs in their fiestas? Come on I used to do that inbetween fares!

How can you race someone who's disappearing in your mirrors???


"Oh dear I appear to have got off to a bad sta.. see ya!"

Ninehigh - 7/9/11 at 03:16 PM

You've made more news