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Harewood Hillclimb Driving School - anyone done this?
FASTdan - 9/7/12 at 01:49 PM

My dads a regular attendee of the harewood hillclimb and as it is his 60th rapidly approaching I am considering booking this for both of us:

Harewood Hillclimb

Has anyone done it? Good, bad, worthwhile? I must admit in terms of value it seems a bit steep compared to a trackday, but I guess its about more than just hooning about, you get instructed, get to drive the proper hillclimb etc. and as I say he enjoys spectating so would be nice for him to drive it.

AllWeatherDan - 9/7/12 at 02:43 PM

I hear good things about this!

A friend of my Dad's used to be the head instructor.


mookaloid - 9/7/12 at 04:08 PM

Yes I did it a few years back and would highly recommend it. It's more about learning and understanding the fastest way through a corner than car control techniques. The instructors are great and when I was there, there wasn't the huge amounts of standing about that you often get on these things.

Harewood is quite technically challenging - particularly the ever tightening final corner but there is a way round it and you will be taught the fastest way.

Have fun

FuryRebuild - 9/7/12 at 05:15 PM

I've done this three times now - each with a different instructor and each of which brought something new for me.

Definitely worth doing. The breakdown of the day is
1) walk of the track and lots of technical advice on what you're donig
2) runs with the instructors, and debriefs
3) lunch
4) free-running. You are encouraged to invite instructors to sit with you and they will, and tell you good things

spending £200 on tuition will make you go a lot faster than £200 on widgets.

FASTdan - 9/7/12 at 09:40 PM

excellent - glad the feedback is positive as I think my dad will love it.....and, well I suppose I will 'have' to join him to keep him company lol.

Thanks guys I will get it booked.

jacko - 10/7/12 at 06:10 PM

Sorry to jump in but can i ask do you use your own car or do they provide one

mookaloid - 10/7/12 at 06:11 PM

You use your own car my friend

FuryRebuild - 10/7/12 at 06:12 PM

Always your own car, but you will have massive fun and learn loads in it.

FASTdan - 7/9/12 at 08:00 AM

Just a quick update to say we did this yesterday and it was indeed fantastic fun!!! Instructors were all really nice, small groups, lots of runs and even had good weather.

Great day and I would highly recomment it. Its even got us considering having a go at competing next year.....