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Well done Alex Zanardi
panichat - 6/9/12 at 06:07 AM



TheGiantTribble - 6/9/12 at 07:00 AM

Once a racer always a racer
But a massive well done to him (and everyone else taking part)

adithorp - 6/9/12 at 07:24 AM


Saw a couple of interviews with him last night. He described his accident as a "ticket to the Paralympics". Very fitting that his success should come at a motor racing circuit.

Just noticed the time he did to win. Under 25mins for 16km (10miles) would be a respectable time for a club level cyclist on flat course on a bike. To do those times on Brands' with it's hills, on a handcycle is amazing!

I have a friend who was a madalist in british cycling champinships before being paralysed from the waist down. He tried hand cycling and found it incredibly hard.

Chapeau, Zinadi!

[Edited on 6/9/12 by adithorp]

Surrey Dave - 6/9/12 at 07:24 AM

What a remarkable!

Xtreme Kermit - 6/9/12 at 07:37 AM

Amazing story... Top man

Peteff - 6/9/12 at 08:08 AM

Inspirational and 45 is no mean age to be doing it at either.

Daddylonglegs - 6/9/12 at 08:32 AM

Pretty humbling if you ask me! makes you think how lucky you are when you have all your bits& bobs.

ReMan - 6/9/12 at 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Peteff
Inspirational and 45 is no mean age to be doing it at either.

That was my take on it as much as anything, no spring chicken

Jon Ison - 7/9/12 at 11:24 AM

My current PC background image.

adithorp - 7/9/12 at 12:27 PM

He's going for a second medal today in the road race.

adithorp - 8/9/12 at 07:29 AM

...and he won!