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Suspension airbags. Rangey & Disco
TPG - 5/10/12 at 11:06 AM

I address,again the wide base of knowledge that is Locostbuilders.
I need to know the compressed or rest length, and the maximum length of the rear airbags on a P38 Range rover and a Discovery 2. I think that the P38's are shorter. The disco "I think" are longer as per the classic rangerover. I'm trying to work out spaces and travel on another project.
I thankyou in advance.

beaver34 - 5/10/12 at 03:34 PM

i dont know but would like to know about what you want to do with them

are there any airride forums around that can help with making kits?

TPG - 6/10/12 at 09:06 AM

I'm trying to get together a air suspension system in my normal "Locostbuilers" stylie, that is as good /best as possible but for very little cash. The Airride stuff and others are very good but £100 plus per bag. I have found P38 ones on't 'bay at £25 in good nick. It is the EAS controls which condemn the air systems on the P38's hence cheap 'bags when people covert to springs. I'm going to control it with 12v spool valves or lever ooperated spool valves.

beaver34 - 7/10/12 at 04:31 PM

What car is it going on?

TPG - 7/10/12 at 07:54 PM

A Rolls that I have on the go. Yep,Really Really