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Can you beat this commute stat
liam.mccaffrey - 22/1/13 at 07:15 PM

As the crow flies I live exactly 1 mile from my place of work yet have to travel 17 miles by road to get to the only way in. Can anyone beat that?

Slimy38 - 22/1/13 at 07:34 PM

My normal commute is 50 miles and 50 minutes, but if I take public transport that would double in distance and triple in time? It would take so long to get to work, that even if I catch the first bus in the morning and come back on the last bus at night, I still couldn't fit a normal working day in the middle.

plentywahalla - 22/1/13 at 07:52 PM

Years ago ... living in North London, working in Holborn, 1 hour by tube, 1 1/2 hours by bus, 7 minutes by bike.

mookaloid - 22/1/13 at 07:54 PM

Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey
As the crow flies I live exactly 1 mile from my place of work yet have to travel 17 miles by road to get to the only way in. Can anyone beat that?

have you tried a boat?

lsdweb - 22/1/13 at 07:58 PM

Across the Haven??

jeffw - 22/1/13 at 08:05 PM

My commute takes me to my study down distance 10 yards or so.

liam.mccaffrey - 22/1/13 at 08:06 PM

boat is a no go unfortunately, its been seriously considered though

russbost - 22/1/13 at 08:10 PM

foot launch powered paraglider thingy!

liam.mccaffrey - 22/1/13 at 08:31 PM

Yes thats right, I'm at the big oily place. I'm sure you know it

Originally posted by lsdweb
Across the Haven??

BangedupTiger - 22/1/13 at 08:52 PM

Originally posted by jeffw
My commute takes me to my study down distance 10 yards or so.

I have to travel to the spare bedroom, around 6 steps.

lsdweb - 22/1/13 at 08:55 PM

Milford to Rhoscrowther - hell of a trek! I used to worry when I worked in "the dock".

Don't try flying as you'll get shot at by the anti terrorist units protecting LNG ;-)

jossey - 22/1/13 at 09:05 PM

Mine doesn't count but if I want to get to my work or 9am I have to leave the night before

Live near Lincoln

Work in Bradford

Hense why I don't drink at all if I'm driving my even half. N don't speed.

jacko - 22/1/13 at 09:11 PM

My Son lives in Hull and drives to Manchester [ work yard ] then on to Blackburn or Blackpool most day

blakep82 - 22/1/13 at 09:36 PM

Not a commute, but I managed to miss the last ferry from the other side of the river, all of 3 miles or so, ended up with 70 quid for a hotel room, when I could SEE the lights on in my house! To drive back would have been around 100 miles, taking about 3 hours I think. Google maps will only tell me to take the ferry so cant checkbthe distance

Xtreme Kermit - 22/1/13 at 09:42 PM

Doesn't really compare but on an average winter morning it takes 30 minutes plus to travel the 7 miles past St Evenage South

Sometimes I think I would be better off walking!

mcerd1 - 23/1/13 at 11:09 AM

is that Dunoon (~83 mile detour) or Kilcreggan (~46 mile detour) ?

Originally posted by blakep82
Google maps will only tell me to take the ferry so cant checkbthe distance

ask it for directions then grab the blue line and drag it to approx. the furthest point of your detour (you may need to do it at a points to fine tune it)

mcerd1 - 23/1/13 at 11:21 AM

mine's a 4.5 mile commute - takes a whole 6min

but I have a mate who commutes from the back end of Pasley to Glasgow centre
he lives very close to the train station that has a direct train to the citry centre and takes a whole 20min and is about 10min walk from his office.....

sound perfect but it costs so much (even with a season ticket) that he is much, much better off driving the 40-50min into town and parking 2 miles or more from his office (to avoid parking fees, they don't have office parking) and walks in the rest of the way
he knows its crazzy, but he litteraly just can't afford to use the train

morcus - 23/1/13 at 05:33 PM

30 mins to travel 7 miles, your lucky, some evenings it takes me an hour to drive the 2.5 miles home. I'd walk if I didn't have such long hours but I drive about half a mile from work to sit in a traffic jam that goes to the motorway, a few miles the other side of my house.

jps - 23/1/13 at 06:07 PM

Originally posted by morcus
it takes me an hour to drive the 2.5 miles home

Surely a bicycle, or even a scooter, would be worth considering. Never seem to get stuck in traffic on those..!

Peteff - 23/1/13 at 06:08 PM

Originally posted by jossey
Mine doesn't count but if I want to get to my work or 9am I have to leave the night before

Live near Lincoln

Work in Bradford

Hence why I don't drink at all if I'm driving my even half. N don't speed.

Are you walking it ? It's a 2 hour trip if you don't count the traffic in Bradford We delivered a bike there last year and got into school traffic and took 20 minutes to cover 100 yards

morcus - 23/1/13 at 07:02 PM

I am considering a scooter, Bicycle is out of the question as I can't ride a bike carrying all the stuff I need to take with me.