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Elite Motorsport Engineering at Stoneleigh
eddie99 - 16/4/13 at 01:56 PM

Due to grids being full and Brands Hatch 6/7th May, The Elite Pulse will now be launched at Stoneleigh

Also means we will have aeroscreens, wiring looms, paddleshifts, and silicone hoses on the stand.

Hall 1, Stand 17. Come and say hello and have a look at our new car.

Look forward to seeing you all there.

big-vee-twin - 16/4/13 at 02:14 PM

That's great news Edd, hopefully see you there

russbost - 16/4/13 at 02:16 PM

I won't be there Ed, but good luck with it all!

theduck - 16/4/13 at 04:10 PM

Look forward to seeing the car!

bi22le - 16/4/13 at 04:55 PM

hopefully ill come around and say hi.

i hope business is good.

Benzo - 16/4/13 at 05:18 PM

Been following the build on twitter, some lovely engineering gone into the front suspension.