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Formula1 related
jollygreengiant - 3/11/13 at 02:14 PM

Wouldn't it be fun, if, Formula1 qualifying was done as per it is now, but, on race day all the drivers had to come into race control one at a time and pull the the car they would race in out of a hat. I don't think Vettel would be quite so dominant if he had to drive a 'random car'.

omega0684 - 3/11/13 at 02:37 PM

I was just wondering what would happen if you stuck Vettel in a merussia or caterham?

CNHSS1 - 3/11/13 at 02:53 PM

its a bit more complex than that unfortunately, but I get the idea. These days the best drivers tailor the car to them and in fact the entire team, so even the best drivers in a 'one off' drive would probably struggle to out pace the regular crap-car pilot imho

as for Vettel in a Marussia or similar, he won a race in a Torro Rosso when it was considered a fledgling team...

jacko - 3/11/13 at 06:33 PM

Just put Vettel at the back for the start of each race or put a load of weight on his car

morcus - 3/11/13 at 06:51 PM

The way he's been these last few races, I think he could qualify last for the next to and still win, I fact didn't he do that last year?

If all the cars were exactly the same, I'd put my money on Vettel.

Personally I think the easiest solution regarding the advantages of certain cars would be to take away all the secrecy, I personally think that would make F1 more interesting to more people (An I think I read something in the IET magazine saying just that).

britishtrident - 3/11/13 at 07:52 PM

Originally posted by morcus
The way he's been these last few races, I think he could qualify last for the next to and still win, I fact didn't he do that last year?

If all the cars were exactly the same, I'd put my money on Vettel.

Personally I think the easiest solution regarding the advantages of certain cars would be to take away all the secrecy, I personally think that would make F1 more interesting to more people (An I think I read something in the IET magazine saying just that).

Funny how Vettles KERS. always works and Webber's always gives trouble.
At Red Bull Finger Boy has yet to win a race he had to fight for.

morcus - 3/11/13 at 08:24 PM

Funny how Webbers car seems to set on fire alot, and always when Horner is pressing a little red button...