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Brighton speed trials
t11 - 25/12/13 at 07:32 AM

I understand from a friend of mine that the local council are trying to put a stop to the Brighton speed trials this must not be aloud to happen, this started in 1905 and is a great thing to see, there is an online petition so please lend your support and put a stop to it now.........and merry christmas to you all......Gordon

bob - 25/12/13 at 08:06 AM

wicket - 25/12/13 at 11:26 AM

Originally posted by bob

For those who have not signed the petition yet please do so, see my original posting in the above link. You have until 23rd Jan.

So far we have over 5300 signatures in just over 5 days which is brilliant

T66 - 25/12/13 at 01:56 PM

mine is also on there.....

God save the Queen

nick205 - 25/12/13 at 06:54 PM

Gladly signed

steve m - 23/1/14 at 10:08 PM

seems its back on ??

Benzine - 23/1/14 at 10:39 PM

flip hot

Simon - 23/1/14 at 11:31 PM

Suspected as much - there are so many events that run down to Brighton that I'd have hoped the threat of them all going elsewhere would be a real threat to the income of quite a lot of traders.

It's what happens when a load of students vote in the green party!

