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Fiat cd code
donn006 - 10/2/14 at 10:13 PM

This is probably a long shot but I'm lookin for a stereo code for my misses fiat stilo I just bought her a 5 disc cd changer but didn't get the code with it

morcus - 10/2/14 at 11:34 PM

For my last car I found a service where you enter something and pay something like £8 and they'll tell you the code, I think I had to look at the back of the radio to get the code they want so they can help. That was a vauxhall and I believe the use the same Blaupunckt sterioes as Fiat so if you have no other luck it's an option.

jossey - 11/2/14 at 05:02 PM

take ye logbook to fiat they will give you it free.

or it should be written on the unit if its been taken out before.