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Rent a ramp
tcr - 15/2/14 at 01:32 PM

I've been offered a good sized storage / workshop unit including 2 ramps for a good price and I was thinking about renting one of the ramps out on a per hour basis to cover the cost of the rent but I was wondering how much of a market there is for such a thing ?

will121 - 15/2/14 at 02:00 PM

Dependant on area would expect a reasonable market but would come with lots other issues with insurances liability, lifting equ inspections and use agreements may make it more problematic

big_wasa - 15/2/14 at 02:03 PM

Yep if it was local I would be a customer.

rdodger - 15/2/14 at 02:12 PM

Subject to insurance, liability etc yes I would expect it would.

I know a number of mobile mechanics in my area hire ramp time from a local tyre fitter.

chris-g - 15/2/14 at 02:33 PM

Where is the unit? Might be interested at some point in the future.

sdh2903 - 15/2/14 at 02:34 PM

It would be more trouble than it's worth IMO with insurance etc. It would be much easier to find someone to share on a permanent basis and just split the costs.

tcr - 15/2/14 at 02:38 PM

The unit is in shirebrook ng20 about 10mins from M1 j29 . It would primarily be used as a garage with the added bonus of having somewhere to store and work on my own cars .

froggy - 15/2/14 at 03:25 PM

it would work if you had customers who knew what they were doing and had the right parts . it all comes unstuck when a job goes wrong and the ramp is blocked for hours/days etc .

rusty nuts - 15/2/14 at 03:55 PM

Originally posted by froggy
it would work if you had customers who knew what they were doing and had the right parts . it all comes unstuck when a job goes wrong and the ramp is blocked for hours/days etc .

Have to agree, working full time in the motor trade I find a large percentage of our ramp time is wasted due to not having the correct parts to hand.

froggy - 15/2/14 at 04:25 PM

I remember an ad for a big place in London doing rent a ramp and it looked like the real money is in the extra hire costs when it goes tits up .
I used to let mates use my big commercial 4 post which is outside and doesn't get used much but had too many Sunday jobs still on the ramp the following week to Bother anymore . The other issue is if your on site you can guarantee to spend a fair amount of time getting involved when they can't do something or more likely the aldi socket set and rubber spanner create another job .

big_wasa - 15/2/14 at 06:16 PM

Yeh I could see major arse ache with getting the ramp cleared or having to do the job to get it cleared.

Last summer a mate toasted his clutch a few weeks before an event at the pod. I said if he could get the use of a ramp I would do his clutch. I never thought he would actually find some one that would rent him the lift when he doesn't even own a spanner. But he did.

Having never done a clutch change on a skyline before we did get it done in an afternoon but we did run over his deadline of 4pm by an hour.

want my own

me! - 16/2/14 at 08:45 AM

There is a place that does this in Coventry, might be worth giving them a call