Hi guys
I will be selling my current video systems and looking to buy a min 2 camera system,
I want it to have data overlay if possible to improve track times etc oh and it looks good,
Any recommendations out there etc, and of course as lo cost as poss,
Cheers Sean
To do it as cheap as possible,
Multiple cheap cameras from ebay (30 each, plus memory card, branded, class 10, 8gb, less than £10)
then racechrono or harrys laptimer for android or apple gps enabled phone or tablet (free or a few quid if you have the phone)
You could add a odb2 blue tooth reader if its a modern ish tintop to get revs, throttle ps etc from. (£10).
Race render software to do overlays etc, basic is free, advanced version is less than £30 iirc.
For the above, the weakest link is the camerea as the cheap ones can be less reliable, so if you can afford it, swap them for some gopros and youd be
2nd hand Video 4
why have you got one jeff????
Thanks for replies
and not looking for the unltimate locost willing to spend a reasonable amount of money,
just can only find vbox and reace tech systems out there is there anything else?
The race technology stuff is decent and if you don't need more than 1 camera then they have overlay software for gopro! But you would need the dl1 data logger which would definitely help lap times
Actually I do have a DL1 and the 3rd party video sync cable in the garage which I no longer need......This will enable you to log the data and sync it with the video by use of a led which flashes.