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Anyone used shiply to move a car
pmc_3 - 16/6/14 at 12:57 PM

I need to get a car moved from near East Lothian to Spalding. I was going to hire a 3.5t recovery truck and do it myself but the company said the insurance won't cover me because of a cu80 on my license 4 years ago. I'm just trying to get some quotes from shiply

designer - 16/6/14 at 01:12 PM

Done it a few times, even including UK to France.

NEVER had a problem.

loggyboy - 16/6/14 at 01:16 PM

If you have time, apply to the DVLA to have the 4 year old endorsement removed. When it comes back clean go to a different branch to hire the truck.

theconrodkid - 16/6/14 at 01:24 PM

London to Somerset for £120 with shipley.....cheaper than driving

Talon Motorsport - 16/6/14 at 01:37 PM

I have used shipley to get donor cars collected in all sorts of states at not much more than the cost of the fuel but the best was a Haynes chassis delivered from Essex to Madrid for £150, never had any problems at all.

Chris_Xtreme - 16/6/14 at 01:40 PM

I've used them as well.

bought my Q from Liverpool and the driver was great..

also sent my old Q up to Scotland, again driver was great .

no probs.

one thing I seem to recall someone saying was that the insurance cover is very grey at the point of loading the car onto the truck.

mcerd1 - 16/6/14 at 01:43 PM

what state is the car in / could you drive it back down yourself ?