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Clarkson Gone.
Surrey Dave - 25/3/15 at 02:45 PM

It's a shame for fans of 'Top Gear', oh Jeremy,Jeremy,Jeremy,Jeremy,Jeremy,Jeremy,Jeremy you silly chap.

He'll never be poor and I'm sure another channel/prog will snap him up.

Texan - 25/3/15 at 02:52 PM

The question is will Top Gear BBC survive?

The other 2 had said they wouldn't renew if Jeremy went. Will they be true to their words or was that just rhetoric?

They also said they ought to just come over to TG USA, that would be a welcome change, but they'd be hamstrung too much by advertisers.

OR, and here's my favorite, will they all 3 start a new show?

Jenko - 25/3/15 at 02:59 PM

I want my licence fee refunded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HowardB - 25/3/15 at 03:08 PM

I am sure that the format will be re-invented and turn up somewhere,.... for sure a TG without the personalities is just 5th gear, and look how well that went,....

Sad day that Clarkson lost it, he has himself to blame for really overstepping the line,.... and in this instance the viewers will be poorer for it...

kj - 25/3/15 at 03:23 PM

i always found him to be so far up his own arse to whatch it, just hope they dont sign Mike Brewer.

Staple balls - 25/3/15 at 03:35 PM

Oh well, Coming soon:

2 and a half men on Sky
Maximum Overdrive on C4
6th gear on C5
Stig does a jump on Dave.

MikeRJ - 25/3/15 at 03:56 PM

I don't condone Clarkson's actions, but it sounds like Tymon made a bit of a meal out of the thing (excuse the pun). How many people would feel the need to go to hospital because they'd got a fat lip?

ali f27 - 25/3/15 at 04:30 PM

The people with a different sexual orientation to me cow skin clad harp players at the BBC strike again thats how you have to say it nowadays Jeremy
The range rover haters will finish the BBC off all sorts of other actions could have been taken i agree he had to be brought to book

britishtrident - 25/3/15 at 04:43 PM

Best news this year reading the official report he went totally ape sh%t

maccmike - 25/3/15 at 04:55 PM

I once used to love TG, wouldnt miss it for anything. The last couple of years though havent been the same. So all in all, Im not that fussed what happens.

Simon - 25/3/15 at 04:56 PM

Exactly, and under English law the employer can be held responsible for Clarksons actions, so I doubt anyone else will be too keen to take on someone who may end up be the cause for getting sued ....



steve m - 25/3/15 at 04:57 PM

shame it wasn't hamster who hit someone ?

But if I was to hit someone at work (a lot do deserve a good punch) I would be sacked, so wether it is right or wrong, then the correct procedure has taken its toll, and he HAS to walk

but he will bounce back,

PSpirine - 25/3/15 at 05:03 PM

Is it a good outcome? No

Is it the right outcome? Yes

(just my opinion on the situation. I'm a fan of TG!)

David Jenkins - 25/3/15 at 05:06 PM

He also spoke at some meeting last week where he gave his opinion of the BBC bosses in no uncertain terms, including a lot of effing and blinding... he really doesn't want to be re-employed, does he...

theconrodkid - 25/3/15 at 05:07 PM

i will be holding a 2 min silence for his passing tonight for it is not just Jezza,it is the normal man who tells it like it is that has gone ,the leftie lovies have had their way and can now replace top gear with yogurt knitting for one legged muslim lesbians.
RIP humour

steve m - 25/3/15 at 05:18 PM

" yogurt knitting for one legged muslim lesbians."

whens it on ?

I love yogurt

Irony - 25/3/15 at 05:32 PM

Originally posted by maccmike
I once used to love TG, wouldnt miss it for anything. The last couple of years though havent been the same. So all in all, Im not that fussed what happens.

Utterly agree, what was a great show is now mostly just buffoonery!

scootz - 25/3/15 at 05:35 PM

Never mind all this bollox about Jeremy Farage being kicked off TG. What about the real news story of the day... some bloke has left One Direction! Think I might cry myself to sleep.

scootz - 25/3/15 at 05:36 PM

Originally posted by Irony
Originally posted by maccmike
I once used to love TG, wouldnt miss it for anything. The last couple of years though havent been the same. So all in all, Im not that fussed what happens.

Utterly agree, what was a great show is now mostly just buffoonery!


It became a parody of itself many seasons back!

dhutch - 25/3/15 at 05:37 PM

Originally posted by IronyUtterly agree, what was a great show is now mostly just buffoonery!


Still watch it, and like maybe half the content, but a lot of it has just got too far removed what what i used to enjoy, a bit like the later scrapheap challenges where they had just clearly run out of good ideas and where making do with bad ones.

That said, it does leave a fair hole, so I hope there is a new light hearted but well informed car/engineering entertainment show as its replacement.


CRAIGR - 25/3/15 at 05:44 PM

Never mind .
Moving on weather was nice today.

coozer - 25/3/15 at 06:15 PM

Originally posted by CRAIGR
Never mind .
Moving on weather was nice today.

Was snowing a bit here in between the blue sky.....

britishtrident - 25/3/15 at 06:16 PM

Originally posted by theconrodkid
i will be holding a 2 min silence for his passing tonight for it is not just Jezza,it is the normal man who tells it like it is that has gone ,the leftie lovies have had their way and can now replace top gear with yogurt knitting for one legged muslim lesbians.
RIP humour

Clarkson is not a "normal man" he is a fully paid up member of the Chipping Norton set and from available evidence somewhere to the right of Bernie Ecclestone --- without Bernie's considerable charm and wry humour.

trextr7monkey - 25/3/15 at 06:28 PM

I only hope they don't bring back that knobs Quentin he is the pits with his hackneyed stereotyped views

motorcycle_mayhem - 25/3/15 at 06:40 PM

Replace Jeremy et. al. with the likes of Krusty and Phil from a.n.other property porn program, sorted.
Sensible outcome from those that allow and defended the actions of those such as Mr Saville.

I just wish the BBC was pay-for-view, it ran on commercial grounds, instead of a poll-tax/tax-payer/money-printing money tsunami. It's like our Political Class, Britain, and the EU, it's an outdated historic entity not fit for purpose.

David Jenkins - 25/3/15 at 06:53 PM

In any other business, if person A has a rant at person B, and it ends up with person A giving person B a fat lip, then person A will get sacked. Why should JC be treated any differently?

According to a news item I read today, the police are taking an interest...

Jon Ison - 25/3/15 at 07:34 PM

Just an idea

Furyous - 25/3/15 at 08:38 PM

There seems to be a lot of blame being placed with the BBC for getting rid of him but there is only one person responsible for what has happened...

JoelP - 25/3/15 at 09:02 PM

Originally posted by theconrodkid
i will be holding a silence for his passing tonight for it is not just Jezza,it is the normal man who tells it like it is that has gone ,the leftie lovies have had their way and can now replace top gear with yogurt knitting for one legged muslim lesbians.
RIP humour

Written like a true UKIP voter. Do you have a problem with the disabled, Muslims or lesbians? Equally, regarding 'lefties', do you realise that paid holidays, pensions, sick pay, minimum wage, the NHS, welfare, social housing and a host of other good things are derived from a left of centre position, if not always implemented by a leftist governmen?

Clarkson is a dick. His level of ignorance should come with a warning sign. He doesn't 'say it like it is', I don't even know where people get that from. The character he plays on the show is a total ignoramus, with nothing to be proud of beyond the size of his pay cheque.

Do you really think he can go forward with the BBC after punching a colleague? He's gone. The others will follow, and together they'll make big money fronting another entertainment show. Just don't blame the BBC for the mess the JC got himself into.

perksy - 25/3/15 at 09:04 PM

To be fair he's chinned the bloke and split his lip and was under the influence of alcohol at the time.

If the police investigate and the victim makes a statement, he will end up in court...

To be fair to the BBC what else could they do ? If you have one law for one and one law for another then 'anarchy' is just around the corner...

CNHSS1 - 25/3/15 at 09:10 PM

Id be interested to see the TG producers salary under william woolard and that of a current TG producer within the current format and factor given cost of living etc. Im guessing the current TG staff put up with jezzas antics s its a cash cow.

That said, he clocked someone, so hed have to go.

Shall we run a book on how much the licence fee will have to go up over next 5 years when BBC is funded with 2 buttons, some navel fluff and a half empty pack of wurthers originals?...

jeffw - 25/3/15 at 09:15 PM

Originally posted by JoelP
Originally posted by theconrodkid
i will be holding a silence for his passing tonight for it is not just Jezza,it is the normal man who tells it like it is that has gone ,the leftie lovies have had their way and can now replace top gear with yogurt knitting for one legged muslim lesbians.
RIP humour

Written like a true UKIP voter. Do you have a problem with the disabled, Muslims or lesbians? Equally, regarding 'lefties', do you realise that paid holidays, pensions, sick pay, minimum wage, the NHS, welfare, social housing and a host of other good things are derived from a left of centre position, if not always implemented by a leftist governmen?

Clarkson is a dick. His level of ignorance should come with a warning sign. He doesn't 'say it like it is', I don't even know where people get that from. The character he plays on the show is a total ignoramus, with nothing to be proud of beyond the size of his pay cheque.

Do you really think he can go forward with the BBC after punching a colleague? He's gone. The others will follow, and together they'll make big money fronting another entertainment show. Just don't blame the BBC for the mess the JC got himself into.

Later we have a party political broadcast on behalf of the socialist workers party....

Texan - 25/3/15 at 09:20 PM

From what I've read from people who work on the set, he didn't "chin the guy". There's a big difference between a punch and a shove or swipe.

Keep in mind Jeremy reported this not the producer and also there's a history here that's not being mentioned.

Apparently the producer has been known to screw things up quite often and this was the latest in a string of things.

James May said this was a lot about a little thing.

When I'm hungry I don't like to be messed with and I'm shorter tempered than anytime else. If he screwed my food up AGAIN, I might be tempted to do something more drastic than just yelling at him again.

scootz - 25/3/15 at 09:23 PM

Just had a look through the report findings and it's pretty clear that he's acted like an arsehole bully.

JoelP - 25/3/15 at 09:29 PM

Originally posted by jeffw

Later we have a party political broadcast on behalf of the socialist workers party....

A common misconception, that leftism is a synonymy for socialism.

Try this :

scootz - 25/3/15 at 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Texan
From what I've read from people who work on the set, he didn't "chin the guy". There's a big difference between a punch and a shove or swipe.

Not having that. You keep your hands to yourself unless you absolutely have no choice but to do otherwise. Not being served your chosen dish is no excuse for a physical altercation!

Synopsis of the report here.... Link

The 'physical attack' lasted around 30 seconds... that's not just a single contact!

Originally posted by Texan
Keep in mind Jeremy reported this not the producer and also there's a history here that's not being mentioned.

That'll be his guilty concience maybe!?

Originally posted by Texan
James May said this was a lot about a little thing.

James May also labelled the incident a 'tragedy'. On a day where 150 folks lost their lives in an aviation accident! What a shame for the poor luvvie!

Originally posted by Texan
When I'm hungry I don't like to be messed with and I'm shorter tempered than anytime else. If he screwed my food up AGAIN, I might be tempted to do something more drastic than just yelling at him again.

Which would qualify you for free entrance to the aforementioned Arsehole Bully Club!

ali f27 - 25/3/15 at 09:44 PM

Life is all about cause and affect we need to think about what caused ukip to come into being but be thankfully it can happen in the democracy we have. Clarkson made many comments on top gear both left and right in fact showed nobody any reverence sorry for him he overstepped the mark but probs the right outcome it was work and a big no no

coozer - 25/3/15 at 09:45 PM

I'm voting ukip... maybe...

Looks to me like he went on and on at the guy them the boss to make sure he got the push.

Did anyone else notice lately him talking like he had someone in his ear telling him not to say that, although with exellent sarcasim.

Hope he bounces back soon with a car roll, I liked his driving, liked the cars, liked his reviews. The format of the show was a bit boring though..

I've been watching the classic thing with Quinten and Jody on c5 and the new fifth gear. None of them are perfect but Tiiffs getting nutty with age...

JoelP - 25/3/15 at 10:09 PM

Originally posted by coozer
I'm voting ukip... maybe... ..

If unsure who to vote for, this website lists all parties policies for you to compare without telling you which party they are from until the end. This helps you overcome the obvious bias and prejudgement we all have. You can select any or all categories.

woodster - 25/3/15 at 10:21 PM

RIP ..... Dave Tv

coozer - 25/3/15 at 10:43 PM

Originally posted by woodster
RIP ..... Dave Tv


BenB - 25/3/15 at 10:48 PM

I like TG but wtf? Gets all argy when he doesn't get a steak and smacks someone. Knob. The "I'm a stupid idiot" was a jokey front wasn't it? Someone got too big for his lovey boots. And the program had got really quite predictable. I've been more upset about other programs passing. ...... Perhaps he can be resigned providing he allows anyone here onwards to punch him in the face if they've not been given a steak for dinner. ....

theconrodkid - 25/3/15 at 11:04 PM

Written like a true UKIP voter. Do you have a problem with the disabled, Muslims or lesbians? Equally, regarding 'lefties', do you realise that paid holidays, pensions, sick pay, minimum wage, the NHS, welfare, social housing and a host of other good things are derived from a left of centre position, if not always implemented by a leftist governmen?

Clarkson is a dick. His level of ignorance should come with a warning sign. He doesn't 'say it like it is', I don't even know where people get that from. The character he plays on the show is a total ignoramus, with nothing to be proud of beyond the size of his pay cheque.

Do you really think he can go forward with the BBC after punching a colleague? He's gone. The others will follow, and together they'll make big money fronting another entertainment show. Just don't blame the BBC for the mess the JC got himself into.

yes i do vote UKIP actually,so do lots of other people from all walks of life,is there a law against it or something ?,i dont have a problem with "minority groups" as you infer but the likes of the beeb would fill the screens with all sorts of "minorities" just to meet their quota,a car show is aimed at men therefore should be hosted by men.
as for lefties,they are the ones that shout a lot and if anyone dare dissagree with them,they pull a full pack of ism cards to try and stop the discent....and breath.

woodster - 26/3/15 at 12:04 PM

Originally posted by coozer
Originally posted by woodster
RIP ..... Dave Tv


Most if not all of Dave tv is reruns of top gear .... no more top gear no more Dave TV

Johneturbo - 26/3/15 at 02:29 PM

Originally posted by Furyous
There seems to be a lot of blame being placed with the BBC for getting rid of him but there is only one person responsible for what has happened...

the chef?

JoelP - 26/3/15 at 05:50 PM

You know you want to click...

Wadders - 26/3/15 at 06:02 PM

The other bloke should have just knocked him out and had done with it.....

sandwich - 26/3/15 at 06:27 PM

Nowt wrong with a bit of UKIP voting, they're the only party talking sense at the moment, the other 3 so called big parties are rather useless.

As for Clarkson, meh, tired show anyway, just hop BBC let it die as to push on with 3 new bumbling idiots would just be naff and pathetic

daniel mason - 26/3/15 at 07:10 PM

It's alright reading a load of nutsack about they will do! I'll be placing my vote by considering what they actually HAVE done instead!

jeffw - 26/3/15 at 07:18 PM

Lol...Dan, if you actually looked at what they have done you wouldn't vote for any of them.

How has this ended up being a political tirade I wonder. Anyway, off to sing the Red Flag outside the stinking Tories head office. Might even sell some Socialist Worker Magazines. Up the workers!

daniel mason - 26/3/15 at 07:23 PM

Let's just stick to the sprinting Jeff unless the government shut all club level Motorsport down!

Dick Axtell - 26/3/15 at 08:55 PM

I've looked at the timing of a few factors, in this whole (or wholly) unneccessary incident.

1: September 2012, JC (and his producer pal, Andy Wilman) sold their share in the rights to the money-spinning creation known as Top Gear.

2: JC's contract with BBC expires around end of either this month, or next.

3: Hammond's and May's contracts also expire around the same time.

There is maybe a suspicion that the reported fracas, at the centre of all this hoo-ha, might have been a deliberate ploy on JC's behalf, to engineer his own departure.

Either way, JC leaves with loadsa BBC cash in his bank account, and the Beeb with what was a major revenue source for them.

So, the question remains - can TG ever regain its money-spinning status?

jeffw - 27/3/15 at 03:30 PM

Russian State TV have offered JC a job