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0-100MPH part deux
jeffw - 22/6/15 at 09:51 PM

I was competing at the Stowe circuit at Silverstone on Sunday. The start was a straight line (for a change) and I had the opportunity of warm tyres as I had a 2nd driver with me.

0-100 time has come down from 7.87 sec at a dull Goodwood to a pretty quick 7.17secs at Silverstone. Now if I can find the time to get the flatshifter working we could go a bit quicker still

[Edited on 22/6/15 by jeffw]

ragindave - 23/6/15 at 08:50 AM

Thats very quick!

jeffw - 23/6/15 at 10:09 AM

Not amazing to 60 but after that....

I was trying to be a little gentle off the line.

[Edited on 23/6/15 by jeffw]

Rosco86 - 23/6/15 at 10:34 AM

looks quick enough to me!

gaz_gaz - 23/6/15 at 11:04 AM

Imagine how much quicker it'd be with an IRS chassis.
Shall I deliver it Sunday :-)

In all seriousness, that's pretty awesome. I need some of that :-)

jeffw - 23/6/15 at 11:05 AM

Would be nice to be in the mid to low 6sec to 100. Car is pulling almost 1G on acceleration in the first 3 gears.

gaz_gaz - 23/6/15 at 11:07 AM

What sequential are you using Jeff?

mark chandler - 23/6/15 at 11:13 AM

Losing a second to 10mph, 6/10ths 90 -100, I guess you switched a gear for that slow segment

How do you keep the traction, just a practiced right foot?

jeffw - 23/6/15 at 12:03 PM

So the box is a Quaife 60G, no traction control or flatshift (yet). Standard English Axle with a Quaife ATB.

This is what it looks like

The 0-30 isn't great but from there on....