What so you do with car tax when you buy a second hand car now? Car tax changed last year so it is cancelled when you sell a car and the ne buyer has to buy it. Can you go on line and get it or do you have to wait for the V5 to be sent off and returned? What do you do?
Recently bought a car from a dealer. They just logged into DVLA, I put my details in and debit card number, job done.
Seems you no longer need to prove insurance to get tax (I guess as the ANPR cameras etc have all the MoT, tax and insurance details anyway)
Can I just put the reg no in the DVLA website? Or will it still be texed b the previous owner until the DVLS cet the V5 back?
All you need is the v5 number and tax online as new owner
Originally posted by TKPM
All you need is the v5 number and tax online as new owner