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M6 toll trap... am I being paranoid?
tegwin - 30/7/16 at 11:15 AM

Wonder if anyone else has been caught out like this...

Coming from the North trying to get onto the M42s... following signs for "M6 toll, M6, M42s" all of a sudden the signs for the "M6 and M42" vanish and you are only left with M42N or M6 Toll meaning on a busy roundabout you have a split second to try and figure out where to go.... you can see where I am going with this... I ended up on the m6 toll yesterday and got charged £11 for the privilege.

So am I paranoid or have they made the signage poor on purpose so people accidentally fall onto that god forsaken road? Who in their right mind would voluntarily pay £11 to drive the 10 miles or so on the toll road!? GRRRRRR

Thieving scum!

twybrow - 30/7/16 at 11:48 AM

I have done the same as you. Lesson learned! I don't think it is deliberate, it is just a complicated junction with 2 motorways and and A road coming together.

coozer - 30/7/16 at 12:08 PM

Hmmm, I think if you go back a bit further there are signs clearly saying toll road ahead...

I'll put your mistake down to lack of planning....

tegwin - 30/7/16 at 12:16 PM

Originally posted by coozer
Hmmm, I think if you go back a bit further there are signs clearly saying toll road ahead...

I'll put your mistake down to lack of planning....


I stand by my comment that if you follow the M42s signs they vanish at the critical moment :p

The issue is that you follow the blue M6toll, M6, M42 sign and assume (incorrectly) that it would be made clear when they split... Hey ho, cest la vie

adithorp - 30/7/16 at 12:26 PM

Coming from the north on which road?

Coming down the M6 the signs all say "M6 toll clear" but I want to know whether the M6 is clear and they never tell you that. If they did you could make a decision to use that or the toll if Birmingham is fouled up.
Then as you approach the junction, knowing the toll is north of Birmingham you'd expect the toll to turn off left and the M6 continue right... but no the toll is the continuation right and the M6 turns off to the left... almost like they designed it to lead you naturally onto the toll.

Slimy38 - 30/7/16 at 12:35 PM

Originally posted by adithorp
Coming from the north on which road?

Coming down the M6 the signs all say "M6 toll clear" but I want to know whether the M6 is clear and they never tell you that. If they did you could make a decision to use that or the toll if Birmingham is fouled up.
Then as you approach the junction, knowing the toll is north of Birmingham you'd expect the toll to turn off left and the M6 continue right... but no the toll is the continuation right and the M6 turns off to the left... almost like they designed it to lead you naturally onto the toll.

Those signs are blatantly sponsored by the toll road owners. If it just says M6 toll clear then the M6 is clear as well. If it says 'M6 delays' or even 'M6 long delays', check a more reliable traffic source to make sure it is actually an issue. Most of the time it's just the standard 10-15 minute delay at the M5 interchange.

Tegwin, I'm not sure what roundabout you're referring to. What road were you coming down?

tegwin - 30/7/16 at 12:55 PM


I am not 100% sure but think it was the weeford interchange...

Coming from the north on the A38.... the correct way to go would have been left onto the bypass and onto the M42... but its not signposted that way hence the confusion with the only motorway sign being M42N (along the bypass) or M6 toll south.. If I had looked at a map before I set off this would have been more obvious but sadly I didnt.. It doesnt usually matter which road you take as long as its in the right direction, unless of course they charge for it

[Edited on 30/7/16 by tegwin]

chris - 30/7/16 at 01:04 PM

I would have to agree that it is a trap when travelling east on the A5 trying to get to M6 north the sings direct you to the M6 north as you follow them right at the last one it changes to M6 toll and its to late they have got you and your £11 and also the constant wrong information on the matrix sings saying M6 congestion M6 toll clear why are they using publicly funded sings to advertise a private rip off

ReMan - 30/7/16 at 07:09 PM

I concur its a trap from both directions.
Particularly northbound as its called as you approach the M6/toll junction soon after Corley services

02GF74 - 30/7/16 at 08:51 PM

I feel your pain, got caught out myself going north, i blame signage.

mark chandler - 31/7/16 at 06:03 AM

Victim here as well

I was on my way to Curborough, it reaches out and grabs you.

gaz_gaz - 31/7/16 at 07:38 AM

I could have sworn this thread was about an M6 Roll tap when I clicked it..

Slimy38 - 31/7/16 at 08:56 AM

By the way, why are you all being charged £11? It's only £5.50 for a car.

jelly head - 31/7/16 at 09:36 AM

Another one here, the signage is toss, not only did i have to cough up the toll i also ended up in a massive row with my missis - oh joy...

chris - 31/7/16 at 12:57 PM

I drive a truck which costs £11 and being a professional driver I was caught out by the misleading sings