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is anyone else planning to come to Blyton 13/03/15?
fha772 - 8/2/15 at 09:57 PM

Hi all,

I just thought I'd ask if anyone else is planning to come to Blyton on 13th March?

At the minute there's 17 cars including me, that's 13 short of it breaking even.

To anyone who has already signed up, don't worry the day will go ahead no matter what.

But if it doesn't pay for itself, it will be the last day I organise, I can't afford to risk losing any more.

Cheers Frank.

madteg - 8/2/15 at 10:26 PM

Have you got me on the list seeing as it's my birthday and i have got permission to play.

coozer - 8/2/15 at 10:43 PM

Is the track day the 13th? And, is the night camping from the 12th?

Might come down if theres no work for me....

mark chandler - 8/2/15 at 11:15 PM

Hello Frank, I shall probally go but wil need to turn up a little late on the day, maybe 11am would this be Okay?

Nickp - 9/2/15 at 07:17 AM

New next door neighbour seems keen, he's on about coming with a mate in an E30. I'll keep working on him

Doctor Derek Doctors - 9/2/15 at 08:23 AM

I'm there, will pay the final balance in the next couple of days, I mentioned it to Tim ( Boylers11 ) on Saturday morning and he seemed interested, send him a U2U.

Also I think the day is seriously cheap, I would still come if it was say £120 with £5 (probably more) for extra drivers and I think most people would pay a bit more for having a quiete private trackday for LCB members with similar sized cars, free of thugs driving 2 ton saloon cars who don't check their mirrors.

Also perhaps for their could be an hour set aside for sprint practice (not timed of course) where people paid an extra few £££ to have a go. I think loads of people would like to try as well.

EDIT: These are ideas for a future day, not saying you should re-arrange at this late date.

Certainly it would a shame if there weren't anymore of these days.

[Edited on 9/2/15 by Doctor Derek Doctors]

SCAR - 9/2/15 at 10:21 AM

Will be there but cant be sure Ill have a car to use so cant book yet.

loggyboy - 9/2/15 at 10:44 AM

Ok to turn up on day and pay (subject to a call a few days or day before to confirm space)?

mark chandler - 9/2/15 at 11:29 AM

1 hour slot for sprint practise, what a good idea.

adithorp - 9/2/15 at 01:19 PM

Sorry Frank, not going to be able to make this one. Take it easy on the pizzas.

fha772 - 9/2/15 at 06:11 PM

Thanks for the replies.

Basically, if you've paid in full, or a deposit, your name is on the list, if you haven't you are on the "maybe" list, you're only definite once you've paid.

You can camp the night before that's what I'm doin.

As for anyone who is thinking they might be able to come last minute, please make a note of my number and call or text me, as soon as you know if you're coming and I'll see you there, you can pay me on the day.
My number is 07815070491.

Cheers Frank.

owelly - 9/2/15 at 06:31 PM

You should have my pennies Frank. I'll be there in something.

fha772 - 9/2/15 at 06:51 PM

Yep, I have your squids

daniel mason - 9/2/15 at 08:57 PM

If my cars ready I will be testing during the lunch break! Thanks frank

fha772 - 10/2/15 at 11:00 AM

You're welcome, glad I could sort it for you.

fha772 - 15/2/15 at 09:58 AM

Hi all,

Sorry to keep pestering, but there's still plenty of places left.

At the minute there's 20 attending the day, that's 10 short of breaking even.

If anyone is planning on coming, or you know anyone that is thinking of coming please get in touch.

Cheers Frank.

daniel mason - 15/2/15 at 10:21 AM

Is there an age limit frank?
I know a young chap who's started doing mini stock cars in the juniors as his dads a welder/fabricator!
Would the pair of them be allowed on track sharing a car?

fha772 - 15/2/15 at 10:35 AM

How old is he?
I can ask...

daniel mason - 15/2/15 at 12:30 PM

I'm not 100% sure. His dad's about 41 and I'd say the boy is around 13-14 but not sure, his dad would obviously need to be with him at all times which he would be

MsD - 25/2/15 at 06:34 PM

Frank, I'm hopefully going to be booking 2 cars on at the end of this week. I'm just waiting on a phone call from my rolling road guy! Will keep you posted.


fha772 - 25/2/15 at 09:02 PM

OK, cheers.

There's still plenty of places lef, but it's getting close to paying for itself!!!!

JoelP - 25/2/15 at 09:08 PM

I'm still hopeful Frank. I'm stripping the back on Sunday, if it is just a broken trailing arm I'm in, if it's the axle then I'm probably out.