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Cadwell 14th Aug Anyone?
Nick Davison - 25/7/24 at 04:08 PM

Just booked for daytime track 14th Aug. Anyone else going or does anyone have any advice for a novice on trackays and clearly Cadwell?


loggyboy - 25/7/24 at 11:11 PM

Cadwell is superb, maybe a little daunting for a novice. Just take it easy and build up. Take tuition if it's available and enjoy the freedom.
My first day there was great and cant wait to go back!

JoelP - 26/7/24 at 09:40 AM

It's a great circuit, and I happen to have that week off work I think. Not done a trackday in 15 years though! Who did you book it through? Oh, and my car is in pieces for a bit!

Nick Davison - 26/7/24 at 05:13 PM

Booked through TrackDays, there is still places if the listing can be believed.