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Fury manual
joneh - 7/11/14 at 04:13 PM


Anyone got the fisher fury build manual available to either email or download?

The furysportscars website seems to be down.

adithorp - 7/11/14 at 04:43 PM

Website was working earlier this week but I can't get on it either now.

I've got a copy on my laptop at home so could e-mail it later if you want. u2u me a reminder with your address.

joneh - 7/11/14 at 05:17 PM


U2u sent

stevebubs - 7/11/14 at 08:59 PM

I have a scanned version of the original Sylva manual somewhere....u2u me if you want it

McLannahan - 7/11/14 at 09:06 PM

I have an old scanned version...

Will post it up in a sec...

McLannahan - 7/11/14 at 09:12 PM

I've got these old ones but they may help?

Fisher Build Manual

Sylva Build Manual

Hood/heater manual

ragindave - 8/11/14 at 02:00 PM

Heres one