Luckly my father has just got hold of a tidy car trailer, the bad side is it's unbraked.
Does anyone know of a locost solution to replacing the Indespenion units the trailer currently has fitted?
I think i've heard of people using beam axles from a FWD car, but can't find any info.
All help greatly recieved, Dan.
Hi dan .
I have two brand new alco galvanised braked 1100 kg axles whiich are surplus.
can let them go for 130 quid each.
Regards Kipper.
Autow will do the units
Cheers Kipper I'll keep them in mind, and top link Mr Mango, I'd like to pay less naturally and don't mind converting something
ATB Dan.
how heavy is the car you towing? do you realy need breaks?
You will also need a hitch etc, I used this chap just before Christmas, very good, cheaper than anyone else easily and put together what I wanted.
Okay my BEC would have sat on an unbraked trailer legally, but having used unbraked trailers before and once going straight over a roundabout in
Canterbury because I could not stop will not be repeating that mistake. Braked trailers rock !
Get an old caravan. They pop up free on Freecycle quite often. Wish I'd known before I bought mine
"Braked trailers rock !" but hopefully don't roll
Have a word with Pat at Bicester Trailers
01869 345576
Contact Address
Troy, Somerton,
Bicester,Oxon, OX25 4NG