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scubasteve800 - 15/6/09 at 07:06 PM

Evening all, ive just recently bought myself a locost kit car id say about 85% complete some of you may have seen it on ebay,
, it has cortina front end and an escort rear axle and a 1.6 crossflow engine, my main concern is the actual body of the car is wooden with a aluminium covering, would this pose a problem for the sva? any help appreciated, many thanks steve!

prawnabie - 15/6/09 at 07:10 PM

Hello and welcome!

Is it a Locust? _ helped put one of these throug an SVA and the tester was pleased they were still being made.


[Edited on 15/6/09 by prawnabie]

scubasteve800 - 15/6/09 at 07:12 PM

i beleive it is i have the original build manual which looks atleast 20 yrs old, purchased from jc sports cars

chrisg - 15/6/09 at 07:14 PM

Yep looks like a termite's bonus to me

Shouldn't really be any trouble with the bodywork for the IVA.



omega0684 - 15/6/09 at 07:15 PM

first thing i would do is scrap your SVA manual & get the IVA manual, as you'll be putting the car through an IVA not SVA

welcome to the forum

scubasteve800 - 15/6/09 at 07:19 PM

ok iva it is then im very confused im sure ill learn along the way, i was thinking of removing the wooden body and replicating it in box section so it looked abit better than a coffin, thanks for the help

prawnabie - 15/6/09 at 07:25 PM

The guy who built my car back in 91 had a locust. He did just that and built a "book" chassis to the dimensions of the locust and used the locust as a donor for the new car.

All the grp on my car is locust in origin - They ain't bad cars in my opinion, they just get a bad name because of the construction methods.

Are you planning to go to Newark this weekend?

scubasteve800 - 15/6/09 at 07:41 PM

no i cant make it this weekend which is a real pain as it would be a good chance to see alot of other kit cars to get ideas etc, i may pop along to one of the peterborough meets as i see there are a few members from around this neck of the woods, i think i would be best to make a metal body for this if i want it to last so i think its off with the body now, in fact im going to the garage now to start

omega0684 - 15/6/09 at 07:45 PM

download the IVA Manual from here spection%20Manual%20May%2009.pdf

jollygreengiant - 15/6/09 at 08:54 PM

Welcome to the mad house.

imp paul - 15/6/09 at 09:10 PM

welcome to the mad house but there are some good people on here hope you like it good luck with your build

stevegough - 15/6/09 at 09:32 PM

Hi, Newbie Steve and welcome to Locost builders.

Two points for you - Warning! You need to be sitting down before reading the first one!

1 - as one of the other members have rightly said, since the end of april we have changed over to the IVA test. It is only slightly different to the SVA which was introduced in 1996 - the only thing that has changed very substantially is the cost. The SVA test was £190 (with a retest £30). The new IVA test costs a staggering £540 (and retest is a ludicrous £90).

2 - looking at the photos of your motor (and it looks pretty smart for a woodworm mobile ) one thing I would ask is - are the headrests part of the seats? - the IVA requires the headrests to be an integral part of the seat (you didn't need any at all for SVA).

As I said originally, a very big welcome from all of us on here - don't be afraid to ask anything - the collective brains on here have been there and got a factory full of T-shirts to prove it, and are always forthcoming with loads of helpful advice about the most obscure car building - related questions.

I apologise for breaking the news to you ref the stupid fee situation, but at least you can start saving now you know!

Best of luck with completing your project,

Regardz, Blackpool Steve.

hughpinder - 16/6/09 at 06:47 AM

Welcome to the forum


scubasteve800 - 16/6/09 at 04:49 PM

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone im glad i was sitting down for that information with regards to the seats i will not be keeping them anyway but they are integral to the seats themselves, steve

chrisg - 16/6/09 at 07:41 PM

Just a couple of things, IVA is £450 and there's no requirement for the headrest to be part of the seat - only that the gap between them be not greater than 50mm.



Ninehigh - 16/6/09 at 10:41 PM


Do you get a gentleman's massage with that?

Good job swmbo doesn't look at this

scubasteve800 - 17/6/09 at 05:30 PM

I think im going to be putting £10 aside averyweek then when it comes to testing when i have it finished ill find out the price has gone up again lol