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Remote servo, pedal smooth down, not up??
bitsilly - 6/8/09 at 05:52 PM

I have a remote servo fitted on my clutch, it works well enough on the down stroke, but is very rough coming up, like it ratchets up in tiny annoying steps!

Anyone ever come accross this before? It seems to be a bit better up the revs. The cam is not too wild!


britishtrident - 6/8/09 at 07:50 PM

They weren't really designed to work on clutches, if it is the Griling type it is possible the little piston that works the control valve is sticking --- they tend to suffer from disimilar metal corrosion, Repair kits used to be available for some Girling sevos but they were a fiddle to fit.

Lockheed servos were much more reliable I never saw one ever go wrong

bitsilly - 6/8/09 at 11:16 PM

Cheers, I'll check itout!