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Encouragment needed!
BigFaceDave - 5/9/09 at 03:00 PM

I have wanted a 7 type car for as long as I can remember, I have been looking seriously for about 6 months and have sold my tin top and motorbike to get one, the problem is im a bit of a "chunky chap" and I appear to be to wide to squeeze into alot of stuff, I have tried a MK Indy and it was just too tight and that was without a seat in it! I have been looking for a Viento but just seem to not be able to find one in my budget (£5000 and going up slowly all the time) but now after 6 months im starting to get a bit inpatient and have started to get tempted by other cars (sierra cosworths, MR2 Turbo's etc etc) but i know I will regret it if I get one and dont get a kit car, so if anyone knows where there is a nice viento going for that kinda money please let me know! I know there is one on pistonheads by a guy who is also on here I think, but unless he will take a kidney or a leg or something as £2250 part exchange I just cant afford that one!

GrumpyOne - 5/9/09 at 03:07 PM

Bite the bullet, phone Luego and order a new Viento kit, you know you want to

Then get yourself a run around until you have finished the build. Satisfaction guaranteed and it will be your car not someone elses

mookaloid - 5/9/09 at 03:09 PM

Is building one out of the question?

You can take your time over it and buy the bits over a period of time - that way it doesn't seem so bad in terms of cost.

Good luck with it though



BigFaceDave - 5/9/09 at 03:15 PM

I have thought about building one but I dont have a particually big garage although its not tiny, but not sure if I am compitent enough to build one myself, I know a bit about engines but couldnt do much more than service a engine and im not sure if i have what it takes to build one, i know there is support on here and I have a dad who know just about everything but still a bit wary of doing it.

marcjagman - 5/9/09 at 03:29 PM

Glad I'm not the only one that has problems getting in to these so called you will fit sir kind of cars. I do agree though that building your own is the best option, failing that be patient one will come along.

piddy - 5/9/09 at 03:47 PM

Hello Dave.
Just remember if you do decide to build you will also have the surport of our club as well as the chaps on here.

BenB - 5/9/09 at 04:28 PM

I'd say build one if you think you'ld enjoy it. It's not rocket science and I reckon most people on this forum found it a pleasurable (if occasionally stressful / taxing) experience...

iank - 5/9/09 at 04:57 PM

Building one will take longer and cost a bit more, but you'll get exactly what you want and learn a lot.
But I've been through a lot of highs and lows while building mine - just started making some real progress after 2 years of phaffing around and it feels great.

Good luck whichever option you pick.

jollygreengiant - 5/9/09 at 05:04 PM

Size is NOT important. (Garage size that is) As I built mine I had just enough room to get around the car, until that is I put the rear wings on. Then I had only about an inch and a half of clearance each side to get the car in and out of the garage door.

Madinventions - 5/9/09 at 05:09 PM

Building a car is actually pretty easy once you get going! The closest I'd come to doing something like this before starting my build was an oil change, and that was on a deep fat fryer so I'm not sure it really counts.

I don't have a welder (and didn't need one) and I was only slightly over budget. I say go for it, you'll be surprised how easy it is if you get the right kit, and as Piddy says, you'll have the support of the local club to help out.


rusty nuts - 5/9/09 at 05:10 PM

I built my car in a garage 15miles from home which meant I only got to work on it at weekends but still managed to get it built and on the road. Well worth the effort!

dmac - 5/9/09 at 05:50 PM

Another advantage of building your own is that you will know how to fix it when it goes wrong, if you buy a car you won't know anything about how it was put together or how to fix it.


Paul (Notts) - 5/9/09 at 06:53 PM

Just remember that building one always cost 50% more than you expect

Takes twice as long as you expect

But the finished car is twice as special


James - 5/9/09 at 08:49 PM

With the 6 month wait you've had you could've gone on a diet and fitted in an MK!

Yeah, I know, I'm a cheeky c**t!


coozer - 5/9/09 at 08:53 PM

From the description of your knowledge there I reckon you do have enough to build one.

Theres tons of support here, there, and everywhere, and, if you don't start messing with upgrades along the way the build should be dead easy.

Go for it!
