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Opinions on possible buy pls!
pekwah1 - 5/8/10 at 08:06 PM

Hi guys.

looking for a striker at the moment but funds are very limited.
I've seen this on pistonheads, looks fairly promising, have spoken to the guy who sounds like he knows what he's talking about and has done a fair bit on it.

Just wanted some general opinions if you'd be kind enough!

The car's many moons away from me, so if i were to buy it, i'd probably be doing so without actually seeing any of it first (car transport).

Thanks for the help.

[Edited on 5/8/10 by pekwah1]

PSpirine - 5/8/10 at 08:08 PM

Where's it located? Maybe someone on here that's local can have a look at it for you for some peace of mind?


norfolkluego - 5/8/10 at 08:11 PM


pekwah1 - 5/8/10 at 08:13 PM

what an idiot!
who puts up a 'what do you think of this' thread without a link!?

RichardK - 5/8/10 at 08:22 PM

Do you know where in North Yorkshire? I don't mind having a butchers for you but I'm down your neck of the woods next week!



pekwah1 - 5/8/10 at 08:24 PM

i think he's just round the corner from you in harrogate.
If you were able to have a butchers i'd be very grateful, if you fancy sticking it on a trailer and bring it down for me that'd be even better!

nick205 - 5/8/10 at 08:50 PM

Looks a good buy to me that does

RichardK - 5/8/10 at 08:51 PM

I'll try, send me his contact details and I'll pop round to have a shifty, could always go for a pint to discuss when I'm down in Crawley!

Thankfully I don't own a trailor! I could always pick you up Thursday afternoon to go back up north. Should only take you about 5 hours to drive it back

Btw, I won't take responsibility if it turns out to be a proper peice of poo!!!

[Edited on 5/8/10 by RichardK]

pekwah1 - 5/8/10 at 09:01 PM

Well the phone number is in that link.
that's all i had, apart from his name is john but that's also on the advert.

Well i'm basically ready to buy it i think, i just need to work out how to get it back here!

Anyone on here got a trailer i can borrow?

RichardK - 5/8/10 at 09:05 PM

Yeh, just texted him, not had a reply yet though.

My offer of picking you up was serious, maybe a travel lodge Thursday night and drive it back the following Friday???

Offers there mate.


pekwah1 - 5/8/10 at 09:07 PM

the car is not a runner, otherwise i would drive it back, but thanks for the offer!
i'll basically need to sort out a trailer or pay a transporter to do it for me...

i think i'm gonna buy it!

RichardK - 5/8/10 at 09:10 PM

If you do, tell him I won't bother Sat late morning like I put in the text, he's just texted me back saying he'll bell me tomorrow giving me directions.



pekwah1 - 5/8/10 at 09:12 PM

u2u me your number if that's cool, i'll give you a ring quickly

pekwah1 - 5/8/10 at 09:50 PM

Rich you're a good man!
Just spoken to John and he said he'll let me know if anyone else contacts him to have look, otherwise i've told him that if you send good reports back to me then i'll be calling him to make a deal....!

MikeRJ - 6/8/10 at 08:07 AM

Looks like a very cheap Striker, but of course you are going to have to pay to get it through the IVA test if you want to use it on the road.

pekwah1 - 6/8/10 at 02:58 PM

yes the dreaded IVA....
it will be a road car so will be going for the test once it's ready... i'm sure many more posts on here are to come!

lotusmadandy - 6/8/10 at 03:40 PM

Look's like a bargain to me.

How wrong can it be,it's part built and never used.I would buy it


MikeRJ - 6/8/10 at 05:18 PM

Originally posted by lotusmadandy
How wrong can it be,

That's what I said about the ex-track but road registered Striker I bought. Very, very wrong in my case