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Dales + Northumberland - Help needed pls
greenwood03 - 12/8/11 at 11:45 AM

guys have started to put together our next road trip, it;s a long way off but it takes ages to try and get distances to work + hotels etc etc.....
for this trip we'll be venturing into Northumberland and the Dales.
I'd really appreciate any advice on what i'd call 'must do' roads.....i've been told that 'you can't go wrong up there'.....but rather than pick a road from gmaps i'd rather hear from those that know what really are the best roads for our little cars: twisty, interesting, scenic, hills etc etc ( asked a similar question nce before on PHeads and was offered about 5 dual carriageways.....which isnt the idea)....

so to narrow it down a bit.
we'll be coming out the top of the Moors - destination Newcastle. I want to head inland a bit and pick up any good roads on the way there.
Next day we'll head towards Lindisfarne before turning back - the destination that day is that day i'd like to 'do' Hadrians wall, miliatary road and after that at the moment it's a pretty blank canvas........

so...over to the locals for help and advice....( dont need anyone to plot a route....individual must do roads are fine ).

Mark G

trextr7monkey - 12/8/11 at 01:48 PM

Good choice, loads of routes but you may want a blast up the A68, also must visit Alston and Allendale + Hawes Wensleydale and Dent and loads of places in between.
While along the Wall have a peep into lanercost and you may alsowant tohave av blast uppast Kielder Reservoir, als a favourite road of ours between Langholm and Newcastleton.

Tatey - 12/8/11 at 02:18 PM

I'd personally take the B6278 between Eggleston and Hexham/Corbridge. The A68 is an ok road but the B6278 is miles better in my opinion. Here are a few pictures taken this January along this road:

tul214 - 12/8/11 at 03:15 PM

I was camping in Dent at the weekend. I was on the B6255 heading towards Hawes and thought this road is better than any on Top Gear.

[Edited on 12/8/11 by tul214]

[Edited on 12/8/11 by tul214]

Krismc - 12/8/11 at 03:58 PM

Corbridge too newcastleton is a great road.

Krismc - 12/8/11 at 04:00 PM

....and you planning to do this next year? theres no sun left this year, i aint been out in 4 weeks.

greenwood03 - 17/8/11 at 12:27 PM

guys many thanks - althouygh grateful if there are any other suggestions out there from locals.

yes teh trip is next year - a mile off, but it takes ages to plan these things properly, nearer the the time i'll whack a post up in case anyone wants to join if for a days driving or a beer in the evenings. of course if anyone is reading this who would like to come along for the whole trip let me know directly.


tompat3463 - 17/8/11 at 01:41 PM

just a quick short trip but if U take the costal route from say Ashington - Amble - Alnwick - the coastal route is amazing and I'm constantly on that road in my MK..always a lovely B roads thru castled towns and see view scenes.

the road from amble to alnwick past Alnmouth is amazing for a bit sport

Just my 2p worth cheers Alan