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Different Values
kingr - 19/8/04 at 04:40 PM

Clearly the Caterham 7 fraternity have different values for scrappy parts, see here :

LMAO £700 for a 9 year old engine!


phelpsa - 19/8/04 at 04:41 PM

But what makes it worse is the

'that doesn't sound to much'



Peteff - 19/8/04 at 06:17 PM

There is a £1900 gearbox included in that, probably a T50?. I've just looked at his webshots, his front shocks are upside down. Bet they weren't expensive either. I've got some orange ovvies like his pit crew from when I was in Guantanamo Bay, rather fetching I think. They were a quid off the car boot actually but don't tell anybody.

[Edited on 19/8/04 by Peteff]

Kelvin - 20/8/04 at 11:05 AM

Not a T50,the AE101 is FWD. Could be a 6-Speed though.

Thats not 700 quid for an engine either, it's some parts from the engine. If that was the 20V and a 6-Speed 'box, that's a very very good price.


andyps - 20/8/04 at 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Peteff
I've got some orange ovvies like his pit crew from when I was in Guantanamo Bay, rather fetching I think. They were a quid off the car boot actually but don't tell anybody.

Actually not his pit crew - they are Marshals. I have a set of those overalls and they cost me over £30 - but they are flame proof which is useful when welding!

Considerably - 21/8/04 at 07:38 PM


his front shocks are upside down

Shows how much you know about shocks then.

'kin 'ell I thought you "builders" knew technical things

p.s. they are Nitrons.

[Edited on 21/8/04 by Considerably]

kingr - 21/8/04 at 09:32 PM

Haha, mention the "C" word and look who should pop up!


Peteff - 21/8/04 at 11:11 PM

Considerably's lost his. .