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Cheshire to dorset
monck - 20/9/12 at 08:30 PM

Hi all , it may sound like a mad idea given the weather but i am driving my tiger from Cheshire to Dorset tomorrow as i have moved house im praying the weathers not to bad im sure it will be fine towards the end of the trip but Cheshire tends to constantly rain so might get a bit wet early on ..

Tool wise i have a socket set some screwdrivers my multimeter to take

i also have a container for water if needed and spare oil ..

My mate in Dorset said that he would pick it up if it broke down via trailer within 60miles Dorset so that helps as id only have to make 140 ish miles .

i did 40+ miles today without fault checked over all seems good ...

Am i worrying to much ?? Also what else should i take apart from an umbrella??

I will be staying of motorways also

Any advise would be appreciated and ill let you all know how it goes ....

Hellfire - 20/9/12 at 08:41 PM

You're worrying far too much. Set off after 9:00am and you'll not even get wet (according to BBC weather forecasts) It will take you much longer if you're not using any motorways but it will be a fun drive so just relax and enjoy it


monck - 20/9/12 at 08:47 PM

Thanks Phil , i was planning on leaving at 9 am so if i run in to trouble i have plenty of spare time , hopefully ill enjoy it

[Edited on 20/9/12 by monck]

adithorp - 20/9/12 at 08:49 PM

Does it break down often?

Check the levels, put your waterproofs on and go. It'll either get you there or it won't.... but worrying about it won't alter that.

austin man - 20/9/12 at 09:30 PM

drove 600 miles to the Nurbergring no breakages basic tools a can of tyre repair flask for a cuppa plus you have also got water if needed and a gallon can of Juice. Ps waterproofs are a good idea

monck - 20/9/12 at 09:51 PM

Well its never broken down on me before however it now has a new engine and also gone fuel injection and has only done 100 miles in its life, it doesn't give me any reason to think it wont make it and in theory it should be more reliable than the old one but with only 100 miles on it may have teething trouble ?

Like you say i will either make it or wont not alot i can do about it ...

Wish me luck its fueled and ready to set of at 9am

austin man - 20/9/12 at 10:18 PM

I dropped my engine in and took it for a 500 mile trip got me there and back oh but I did have a slight water leak which lead to the head gasket blowing but hey thats life. since had a new gasket and covered 5k no problems

monck - 20/9/12 at 10:26 PM

Thanks Austin man , Take my hat off to you driving Nurbergring and back

Ill let u all know how it goes , and if anyone lives near Dorset and fancy's meeting up sometime give me a shout

bbwales - 20/9/12 at 10:42 PM

Go for it, I have travelled around Europe in mine for holidays the last 4 years and ok I have had a couple of minor insidents but never taken me longer than two hours to fix, had done 14500 miles in mine and looking forward to the next holiday next year.


adithorp - 21/9/12 at 07:09 AM

having just come to work in the pissing rain... I don't envy you this morning.

Hellfire - 21/9/12 at 11:06 AM

Looks like the BBC weather forecast was wrong Now there's a surprise....


adithorp - 21/9/12 at 03:53 PM

So do we think he made it... and if so, how long will it take him to dry out?

RK - 21/9/12 at 04:09 PM

Those BBC people are regular comedians, from what people are saying.

monck - 21/9/12 at 05:50 PM

Yes lads we made it first 100 miles we total misery got very wet much to the amusement of other drivers. The second hundred were ok started to dry out and enjoy it! only problem I had was the throttle stuck on for a few seconds no idea why was fine for the rest of the trip. Thanks for your comments